Grilled Chicken Kabobs With Homemade Dill Dip
by ludvik14ty in Cooking > BBQ & Grilling
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Grilled Chicken Kabobs With Homemade Dill Dip

In this Instructable, you'll find recipe for grilled chicken kabobs (also mixed with cheese and vegetable) and homemade dill dip.
Servings: 8 kabobs
- 5 chicken breasts
- 5 peppers (doesn't matter which color, we usually mixed them)
- 1 package halloumi cheese
- 3 white onions
- cherry tomatoes
- 1 zucchini
- 1 package bacon
Meat marinade
- 1 cup olive oil
- salt
- 3 tablespoons curry
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- 4 rosemary sprigs
Vegatable/cheese marinade
- 1 cup olive oil
- 2 tablespoons curry
- salt
- 2 teaspoons harissa
Dill dip
- 32 oz greek yoghurt
- 4 garlic cloves
- salt
- bunch of fresh dill
Meat Preparation

One day before the grilling (it's important to do this, because the marinade needs time to soak into the meat) wash the chicken breasts, clean them (remove tendons) and cut them into smaller pieces.
Prepare a bowl, pour olive oil inside, then add curry, soy sauce, rosemary, salt and mix thoroughly.
Then add sliced meat, make sure, that every piece is soaked in marinade.
Cover the bowl with plastic food wrap and put it in the fridge.
Vegetable/cheese Preparation

Take the prepared meat from yesterday out of the fridge and remove the wrap and put it aside for now.
Wash the vegetables (with peppers don't forget to remove seeds from inside) cut them into smaller pieces. Also cut bacon and hallumi cheese. Keep in mind, that you'll be putting those on the skewers, so use some reasonable size.
Prepare a bowl, pour olive oil inside, then add curry, salt, harissa and mix thoroughly.
Then first add sliced cheese, again, make sure, that every piece is soaked in marinade and then put the cheese on a plate.
Add chopped vegetables into the rest of the marinade and mix again.
Create Kabobs

Now you have everything you need for creating the kabobs.
Take skewers (we're using ones from stainless stell) and put meat/vegetables/cheese/bacon alternately on them. You can inspire yourself by the attached photo.
Dill Dip

First wash the dill and cut finely.
Prepare a bowl and put inside the greek yoghurt, then peel 3 garlic cloves, mash them and put them inside the yoghurt.
Suggestion: as some people feel "heavy" after garlic, good tip is to remove the germ = sprout in the center. Just split the clove lengthwise and pull out the sprout, then chop or crush the clove as usual.
Add dill and salt and mix thoroughly.

There are definetely several methods how to grill, the one we use is on charcoal. Plus we are always super hungry and unpatient so on top of that, we are also using charcoal chimney (there is a link to YouTube video, where you can see what it is and how to use it).
After the grill is heaten enough (charcoal is covered with white-gray ash) put the kabobs on it. Grill approx. 10-15 (it always hard to tell the exact time, so just keep an eye on them) minutes, plus don't forget to flip it at halfway point.
Last thing that is left is to serve it and eat it. Enjoy :-)
Note: Just remember, that those metal skewers are really hot - so keep that in mind and remind that to your guests - so they don't burn themselves.