Grandma's Telephone

by makayla.hou0113 in Circuits > Arduino

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Grandma's Telephone


95% of the elderly will get "Presbyopia", also known as "老花眼" in Chinese. The symptoms and drawback of this aging of the eyes include worsening ability to focus clearly on close objects. This will increase the difficulty of reading small print, having to hold reading material farther away, headaches, and eyestrain. Plus, memory loss, is also one of the symptoms of aging. In my experience, most of the elderly has a lot of free time; most of them choose to chat and chill to kill time. However, with COVID-19, they cannot meet up, nor they do not know how to use more advance technology such as facetiming, causing some to feel depression and anxiety. Combining all the reasons, I want to make a device that can show the phone number of the person the elderly wants to chat with by lighting up the LED, number by number, to tutorial them the correct phone number on a tradition telephone when they press the button. The LED's sequence helps the elderly to show/remember the phone number of the person he wants to chat with, in which solves the problem of memory loss. Second, the LED glowing at the position of the number solves the Presbyopia problem because through the position of the lighting, the elderly will be able to know where to press. Third. the device is espically for traditional telephones to suit the elderly's needs because they might not know how to use a smart phone. At last, the activation buttons are big and reachable, with clear icons showing the purpose of the call; one is for emergency usage(when the elderly is not feeling well), one if for chatting usage.

PS: My grandma will be my target audience for this product since she had been faing these difficulities, so the phone number will be a friend of hers in Pingtung, Taiwan: 0811656067

Major Features

- Big and Reachable activation button

- Contains two phone number; emergency call and friends

- Blue LEDS that don't damage eyes

- Coded Sequence that can be personalized phone numbers.


  • x2 Bread Board
  • x1 Arduino set
  • x10 Blue LED
  • x1 piece Cardboard
  • x2 Buttons
  • x2 strands of Jumper wires

Connect the Wires


Connect all the Wires.

Digital pins purposes:

D1: no use

D2: emergency call "119" button

D3: Button for "0811656067"

D4: number "4"

D5: number "5"

D6: number "3"

D7: number "7"

D8: number "8"

D9: number "3"

D10: number "0"

D11: number"1"

D12: number "2"

D13: number"6"

Upload the Code


This is the link to the code. Tap "Download" to download the code

1. Download Desktop "Arduino"

2. Press "Download sketch" in the code website

3. Open the sketch (If the Desktop version of the Arduino is successfully download, it will open to the Desktop Arduino app automatically)

4. Press "Upload" when the Arduino board is connected to the computer with the circuits on.

Add Outershell of the Product

Push Buttons Outershell
  1. Take the cardboard box out and trace the two button's shape on the two sides
  2. Cut the traced lines open

The cover for the traditional telephone

  1. Put a white paper on top of the actual traditional phone and use a pencil to start coloring/ printing the number pads(After coloring it fully, the shape of the number pads will be clear)
  2. Tape the white paper to the cardboard you are using as the cover for the traditional telephone(different from the push buttons cardboard)
  3. Use an utility knife to cut out the number pads
  4. Cut a hole beside each number except with 5,8.
  5. Cut out the phone's shape so that it is easier to put on when it is done.

Put on the outer shell and tape the 5, 8 LED on the side.


Ardunio project