Grandma's Strudel

A few months ago I asked my grandma how to cook a proper omi-strudel. Since then I'm practicing and it's getting better each time. It's obvious that it will take about 60 years to master it as my grandma, no illusions, so better start early :)
- 300 g flour (My grandma uses simple wheat flour)
- 1 egg (My grandma doesn't use eggs and it still works)
- 3 Tablespoons of Oil (Like corn oil)
- Salt & Sugar each 1 pinch
- 100 ml warm water
- Flour for the working space (The dough is very sticky without flour on the table etc.!)
- One tablecloth (about 1.5m x 1.5m, on the pictures I use 2 dishtowels, that's also possible but more complicated. Ones when I'm a grandpa, i will have my own tablecloth only to make strudel.)
The Dough

Put the ingredients together and knead it all toghether. Super sticky! I recommend to put flour on your hands!
- 300 g flour (My grandma uses simple wheat flour)
- 1 egg (My grandma doesn't use eggs and it still works)
- 3 Tablespoons of Oil (Like corn oil)
- Salt & Sugar each 1 pinch
- 100 ml warm water
Get to Know Each Other

Knead the dough at least for 15 Minutes.
My grandma told me, loosely translated, to knead the dough to all cardinal points. In her dialect: Den Teig muas ma daun in olle hümmüsrichtungen kneten.

Grease the dough with about 1 tablespoon of oil and cover it.
I think that is important to prevent it from drying out.
Let the dough rest for at least one hour. If you want, longer. At somepoint it’s getting dry so, take care, not to wait to long.
Roll It

Cut a piece of your dough and roll it as flat as possible.
- DONT knead the dough any more, just cut it and roll it
- Use enough flour underneath, otherwise it will stick on your table

This is the „hard part“!
Carefully put the dough on your arms an hands and mindfully let it get larger and thinner and elongated. Use your knuckles and the self-weight of the dough. This takes a few experiments. Each time it will get easyier and better!
If you think thinner and bigger is not possible anymore without making holes, put it down on your tablecloth (fullllll with flour!)
Pull It

Carefully pull the dough, going around it. Each hole hurts the feelings of the dough, so dont pull to hard. Be creative, whatever makes the dough thinner is good :)
The goal
- The dough should be thin enough, to read a newspaper through it.
(I know, the dough on the pictures is thin, but it could be thinner - I'm practicing :)
Fill It

- Fill the dough with whatever you want,
- roll up the dough (as shown in the pictures),
- put it in the oven. I use: 180° and top and bottom heat,
- wait,
- and make some people happy.
I'm practicing a lot with apples, but there are no boundaries. Sweet, sour, savoury, candys ....