Glow in Dark Constellations Map

Observing night sky has always been my favourite hobby and through this project i have brought a night into my room in which there are is fascinating how a sky map shows way to those who are insearch of their destination so through thi prjoect i brought the constellation and the sky map right into my room.the map also glows in dark like the real stars.
If you want to make your room walls like this follow the mentioned steps:
Things you need:
- Chalk
- Scale
- Duster
- Paint brush
- Arcylic paint
- Luminous paint
Drawing a Grid

I had an empty blue colored wall in my house and always wanted to do something on it.When i come to know about this project i got an idea to make a constellation map on it.So the very first step is to draw a grid on the wall.Reason behind drawing the grid was to make accurate constellation.i started scoring and than drew the lines using chalks and scale.Chalks are best to use here because chalks are easy to remove and make less mess.
Drwaing a Rough Sketch of Constellation

after drawing the grid the next step to draw a rough sketch of constellation.i used the chalks again here as i mentiond in above step they can be easily removed .firstly i drew all the ziodiac signs constellation on wall as they are very important in constellation map further i drew some other constellation to fill up the emprt spaces left on wall.although its not done yet but its starts looking amazing when the whole is filled up with the constellation skecth.
Adding Paint

As the skecth is done.Now its time to make this mural permenant.For that I used an arcylic paint (white).This took alot of time and effort.I had to paint each and every line very efficiently so that each line and star look perfect.this step requires alot of patience.
- you must have to keep a piece of cloth or duster to remove the chalk marks as you apply white paint.
- once should make sure to keep the distance between wet paint and yourself to avoid any mess.
Adding Luminous Paint

After completing the most time taken step the next step to adding glow in constellations.this is my favorite because adding a layer of luminous paint gives constelltions a glow in dark look , which looks like a real night sky.This step also took a bit long beacuse I have to do it very carefully without making any mess cause it's not easy to remove a paint stain from wall.But once when it's done the wall looks amazing in dark.I have added luminous paint layer over ziodiac sings constellaion because i want to get them identifeid by everyone.Rurther to make them more indentified I also added their names.and other than this also added luminous paint layer over the intersecting point of the other constellation i made so that they can also in dark.
its totally viewrs choice to add flourscent layer over any constallations.i just wanted make ziodian signs more identified that's why i did that.
Final Look