Glow Worm

by simplecircuits in Circuits > Electronics

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Glow Worm

07 Put Circuit Inside the Worm.JPG
01 Colour Changing LED.JPG
02 Resistor.JPG
03 Battery Harness.JPG
This instructable we will show you how to make an electronic glow worm from plasticine and colour changing LED.

You can see the glow worm in this dailymotion video:

You will need:
 - plasticine,
 - colour changing LED,
 - 9 V battery harness,
 - 9 V battery,
 - 680 ohm resistor,
 - electrical insulation tape,
 - scissors.

Assemble the Circuit

04 LED Circuit 1.JPG
Glow Worm 032013.jpg
Connect the circuit shown in the photo.

The longer terminal of the LED, the anode is connected to the resistor, the positive terminal side. The shorter terminal, the cathode is connected to negative terminal of the battery.

In the PSpice software circuit drawing shown the three diodes are used to model one LED. This software does not have a LED component drawing in it. Thus diodes are used instead.

Bend the LED Legs

05 LED Circuit 2.JPG
Bend the legs of the LED to make stronger connection that cannot be pulled apart easily. Note that one of 680 ohm resistor terminals where already bend in the previous photo.

Apply Insulation Tape

06 Apply Insulation.JPG
Cover the terminals with electrical insulation tape to prevent short circuits.

Make the Glow Worm From Plasticine

07 Put Circuit Inside the Worm.JPG
08 Worm Red.JPG
09 Worm Green.JPG
10 Worm Blue.JPG
Make the glow worm from plasticine, insert the circuit and you are done.

In the other photos you can see the glow worm LED changing colour from red to green and then to blue before repeating the cycle.

Watch the video again: