Glow Lamp
This will not change the world, but if your little one still needs a night light this might help. It is like an electric free nightlight.
Lamp with shade
Glow in the
It is not complicated. Put the glow in the dark tape on the inside of the lamp shade. I can not recommend this glow in the dark tape enough. It charges up fast, and lasts a long time.
This kind of tape has a backing to is so first cut some pieces to length for the inside of the lamp shade. Remove the backing, and stick it to the inside of the shade. Feel free to fill the inside, but I didn't worry about it. The tape produces a lot of light.
Light and Glow
The tape charges quickly, so the lamp doesn't have to be on for long. The tape is also thin enough for light to go through the shade too. The tape glows for several minutes after the light is out, more than enough for a small child to fall asleep and you not to stub your toe.
That's it. Glow and enjoy.