
The GlassLight is an infinity mirror lamp that you can use to decorate an indoor room. With this lamp, you can give your space a nice touch of color, since it is inspired in the different shades of the sky and changes tone according to the hours of the day, which is what makes it so unique. We invite you to make this activity if you want to add a modern look to a room and a nice touch to your walls.

-30x30 cm Acrylic sheet, 3mm:ámina-acr%C3%ADlica-Transparente-Thick-2-Pack/dp/B07RY4X9L3/ref=asc_df_B07RY4X9L3/?tag=gledskshopmx-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=560373578541&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16632908164669523531&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1010088&hvtargid=pla-758902824651&th=1
-30x30 cm Acrylic mirror sheet, 3mm:
-Mirror film:ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=195QK8EU0A717&keywords=mirror+film&qid=1646261052&sprefix=mirror+fi%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-1
-12V Power supply:
-Inverted Jack:
-Multi-conductor cable:
-Dupont cables:
-Male connectors:
-Epoxy glue and white glue
-MDF wood, 3 mm

If you buy the aluminum channel that is in the supplies list, it needs to be cut in 30 cm pieces. We recommend you to make a 45 degree angle cut on the corners so when you assemble in the square shape, they’ll fit in an easier way.
if you buy a LED strip that is long, we recommend you to cut the strip to the required length of 120 cm (to cover the 4 sides of the square), and weld the multi-connector cable to the cables inside the LED strip before assembly.

Building this lamp may be easier than you think; the assembly part is not that difficult, although the part where we had more trouble was in the coding of the Arduino. We recommend you to use Tinkercad to simulate your lamp before actually connecting everything, to prevent the LEDs from burning.
We leave you the code we used at the end if it brings you any help, but for demonstrative purposes, the lights change every 10 seconds, so you can adjust that to the changing time you prefer.

Once your done with the coding part, have ready your materials as we suggested in the preparation step.
The lamp has a small box in the back, where we put the Arduino and the cables, so you don’t notice them because from this part is where you are going to hang your lamp. This is made out of MDF wood; you simply cut 4 rectangles of 25cmx2.5cm, and a 30x30 cm square and then paste them together with white glue
We proceed to join with epoxy adhesive the 4 different layers in a sandwich-like form: including the MDF box with the electronic components, the back acrylic mirror, the LED channel frame and finally the front one-way mirror acrylic. Also in parallel, we make all the respective power connections: the 12V connector is split into 2 outputs: one goes to the Arduino and the other to the LED Strip, while also connecting both to the power switch on the positive end, and finally we connect the data cable from the Arduino to the LED Strip. To end, we take the peel of the protective film from acrylic.
Before gluing all together, make sure to take a final check of the code and confirm that all the components are correctly connected and working. Then you glue the MDF box to the back of the lamp, and finally you turn it on and make sure it is working correctly!
Have Fun!
Try this fun lamp to give your space a new look, and you can make as much as you like. Here we leave you an example of 4 of them together, simulating a window, so have fun and enjoy! :)