GingerSpiced Coffee
Inspired by Kiteman's Conmuter Coffee, here is a ginger-spiced coffee. I'm using an espresso machine, but you could use any type of coffee maker for this by scaling the recipe and adapting it for the desired method.
A Word for Espresso Machine Adicts
This Instructable may damage your espresso machine. Probably, most of baristas will not add anything than coffee in the filter basket: if you put fine granulated ingredients that can pass trough the head mesh, and have a reflux into your machine's head, it may harm your head, pipes or even boiler (I will dose the ginger between two layers of coffee so I will minimize the chances of wreking up my machine). This is not likely to happen, but you must consider this. I'm using an old Saeco machine, soon to be replaced.
Coffee: choose your favorite brand/type/style (I've used a medium dark roast, whole bean, Arabica)
Ginger: You can use fresh or dried stuff. I prefer fresh ginger, as it gives a better taste (for this Instructable, I'm using pre-grounded ginger, which is a good compromise if you don't have access to fresh ginger root, or just too lazy to ground it by yourself)
Water: follow the machine user's handbook to choose the apropiate type of water for your beloved one.
Ginger: You can use fresh or dried stuff. I prefer fresh ginger, as it gives a better taste (for this Instructable, I'm using pre-grounded ginger, which is a good compromise if you don't have access to fresh ginger root, or just too lazy to ground it by yourself)
Water: follow the machine user's handbook to choose the apropiate type of water for your beloved one.
Grind Your Stuff
Grind the beans to desired grade, skip for non-espresso machines.
Put about half of your prefered dose of coffee in the filter basket (6 to 7 grams for a single and 12 to 14 grams for a double), tamp ligthtly, add about 1/8 tsp of ginger.
Add the rest of the coffee, and tamp as usual.
Add the rest of the coffee, and tamp as usual.
Make It
Pull the shot following the directives for your machine.
Taste it. At the first sip, you will notice the flavor of the fresh ginger, followed by the characteristic aftertaste of the espresso.
You can try a number of variations for this recipe: clove, nutmeg (watch that dose!), pepper. The sky is the limit!
That's all. Thanks for your reading!
That's all. Thanks for your reading!