Giant Sugus Candies

by RayPower in Craft > Paper

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Giant Sugus Candies



Sugus are yummy, chewy, fruity candies originally from Switzerland but are sold in many different countries. My daughter had a great idea to make giant versions of sugus by melting lots of them together and molding them into squares (I think she watches too much youtube XD).

However biting into giant sugus gave me horrific visions of teeth being inadvertently pulled out of your head and since this is not a Halloween instructable, I suggested a simple alternative that looks just the same as a giant sugus but its really just a scaled-up wrapper applied to 27 sugus candies all closely packed together



This is all you're going to need:

Sugus candies, lots of 'em. A one kilo bag will give you enough for at least 7, possibly 8 giant candies (I think somebody got to the bag before I did)

A printer (or local print shop)

Scissors or craft knife and ruler


Print Out Wrappers


I drew up my interpretation of the logo on photoshop. A quick google search revealed the font type for sugus is Ariel Bold Rounded MT. So I got it looking more or less convincing and swiftly moved on to laying it out as a patterned sweet wrapper. I was lucky with the dimensions. Two wrappers seemed to fit on to each A4 sheet. I printed them off here at home, trimmed the excess and there you have it, giant sugus candy wrappers!

If you did run out to your local print store you might be able to get a more vibrant laser color print-out instead of the somewhat faint inkjet prints


Equal Shares


If Michael has 9 candies, and Jane has 14 candies, how many more candies do you need to have 27 candies altogether?

There are 27 candies in each of these giant sugus. That's a lot BTW.

In the second photo here you can see 27 sugus. 3 x 3 x 3 = 27. This is how they get stacked inside each giant wrapper

So seeing as I was playing god with candies, I was determined to give every giant sugus an equal amount of each flavor. Some less than divine factory robot in the sugus factory does not care how many of each color/flavor you get but I didn't want to see riots breaking out among my kids and nieces over how many blue candies each person had. So I counted out how many of each color I had and divided it by the number of giant candies I was going to make. In this case it was 6 because I had already finished the first one when I had the idea to do this.

Wrap the Sugus With the Giant Wrapper


This was a little bit tricky. The little candy wrappers are made with a wax paper so they slip and slide as you are trying your best to give it the nice square shape. Anyway, you just have to be a bit careful and you manage it. I was trying to be very accurate with my scaled-up version so I folded the wrappers exactly as they appear on the original sized candies:

Photo 1: Candies are already inside and the join is facing to the bottom

Photo 2: Fold down the sides in the center and then fold in the sides of the sides to shape the triangles. There was a little tiny bit sticking out so I just snipped it off with scissors

Photo 3: Flip it over making sure they don't all fall out and fold the triangles into the center

Photo 4: Apply the glue to the underside of the tips of the triangles and press firmly until it's stuck

Enjoy Responsibly


That's it you're done. Enjoy! Give them as gifts to friends or famly but Enjoy Responsibly!

Meaning, there are 27 candies in each one of these giant sugus wrappers!!!

That's a lot of sugar. A small tube pack would only have 10 candies so your kids and possibly some adults may need responsible adult supervision.

I stuck them back inside the original bag and taped it up using transparent packing tape so they kinda look like that's where they were made to be.

You could also make a giant tube wrapper for the giant sugus. If you do, please share your work below in the comments. And another thing I'm doubtful of: do you even get sugus in the US? I think they also make a chewy fruity soft candy called Starburst. You could just apply this same idea to that product. Have fun