Giant Soap Bubbles - Mixture and Device
by woodenProjects in Living > Toys & Games
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Giant Soap Bubbles - Mixture and Device

Who doesn't like to make bubbles ? But what about giant bubbles ?
I present easy to make receip for bubbles mixture and bubble device.
You will need:
- deminarilzed water (could be bought on petrol station)
- glycerine (in every pharmacy)
- dish soap
- cotton roap
- two sticks

Take a big pot and add:
- 6 cups of demineralized water
- one spoon of glycerine
- one cup of dish soap
Then heat it a little and let it stay for 24h. You can experiment and for example add one spoon of sugar to the mixture.
Bubble Device

To make a giant bubbles You need special device. It can be made from two sticks and a cotton rope (cotton gives the best effects).
Take the rope and cut it in 1:2 ratio (ie. 1m and 0,5m). Then tide the endings like on the picture.
Now use a duct tape or a metal wire to attach the rope to the sticks. I recommend the metal wire, because the duct tape could fall of after contact with the water.
The Bubbles.

You are ready to make giant bubbles. Remmber few things:
- always remove the foam from the mixture before making the bubble
- You can make bubbles with no wind by moving the device by own
- To 'cut' the bubble try to connect the top of the sticks gently
That's all. Now go and make some bubbles :)