Giant Smart Watch

I am vishal, i made a giant smart watch.
This is pretty big, i know 😅, but this is fun to wear.
By the way, subscribe to my YouTube channel for more projects like this. I also update my upcoming projects on Instagram.
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The watch connects to the internet with wifi, you can connect it with you mobile hotspot. After connecting to the hotspot it will show time, location and weather of your location.
Sounds fun right!
The features can be improved and look also can be improved, let me tell your suggestions in comments.
I made it with ESP32 AND ILI9488 Raspberry pi display.

- 3.5 inch IPS display
- ESP32 devlopment module
- 3.7v 1000mah battery
- MT3608
- Switch
Outer Cover

For now i want to use things which is in hand, so i decided to make the watch cover with cardboard.
- Take a cardboard box
- Cut a screen size part
- Cut two strip hole at back
- Paint it with black paint to make look better
ILI9488 Raspberry Pi Display With ESP32

Link :-
- Download the folder from my GitHub page and extract it.
- In th folder you will find a file name User_Setup.h
- Copy the file and paste it in My PC >> documents >> Arduino >> libraries >> TFT_eSpi
There is already a file with same name replace it.
Code and Customisation

Link :-
Find the code in same folder with you have downloaded from my GitHub.
Download some libraries from library manager but first select board as ESP32 then download libraries.
Download ArduinoJson.h of version 5, mor then version 5 will not work.
- NTPClient.h
- WiFi.h
- WiFiUdp.h
- WiFiClient.h
- ArduinoJson.h
- Adafruit_GFX.h
- TFT_eSPI.h
- SPI.h
In the code you have to make some changes.
- Enter your Wifi name and Password As shown in image.
- Enter your weather api, log in or sign up in openweathermap and go to the link below to get your API.
- To get your cityID go to the link below and search your city.
After finding city open it and see the link in browser example are given below.
This js is my location link, at the end there is city id which is 1269517
- Upload the code.
- below is tutorial to SPIFFS, follow the tutorial to get image in flash.

Connect the display as given below with esp 32.
ESP32 Display
Vin -----------> 5V
Gnd ----------> gnd
12 --------------> MOSI
2 -----------------> MISO
14 ---------------> SCK
5 ------------------> CS
15 ----------------> DC
13 ----------------> RST
Connect a Li po battery to mt3608 and set voltage to 5v via potentiometer.
Connect this 5v to VIN pin of ESP32.
Final Enclosure

At the end put everything together inside the box and add the strap behind it .
I am using a cardboard strip to make strap.
It really look awesome and catching people's eye.
This was a great experience to build this giant smart watch .
I think i will add puch notification in next version.
buy me a coffee! ☕: Donate