Ghost Hologram
This project will allow you to use house hold items to create a homemade projector. This project will allow you to project a Ghost hologram, your favorite TV shoe, "scary movie" all with your smartphone.
Getting Started
For this project you will need a 5 house hold materials including:
1.A regular cardboard shoe box
2.A white linen sheet
3.A pair of scissors
4.Scotch tape
5.Magnify glass
Building the Projector
-Measure the magnifying glass against one of the smaller sides of the shoe box (see photo above)
-Then cut out a whole the size of the magnifying glass and put the magnifying glass into the hole
-you may need to secure the magnifying glass over the hole with Scotch tape
-Your projection box is now finished!!!
Setting Up the Projector
-Place your phone in the box
-You can use one of those phone stands that attach to the back of your phone, in order to stabilize your phone in the box
-You can also lean it against the back wall of the shoe box
-Test the projector in a dark room.
-Move your phone into the right position in the box in order to focus the projection
-Now you can watch your favorite TV shoe using your phone!!!
Setting Up the Ghost Hologram
- Attach a white linen sheet in between 2 walls using tape or hooks()
-It should not be right up against a wall.
-IT is best too attach it to opposite walls in a hallway or relatively small rooms.
-This will allow you to place the projector behind the sheet
-You can also attach it to chairs,or in a door way.
-People will be a able to see the "Spooky ghost hologram" thru the white linen sheet.
-You can also display a "scary movie" on the linen sheet which people will be able to watch.
-You have completed the ultimate "Haunted House Special Effect".