Getting Started With SkiiiD Editor

by skiiiD in Circuits > Arduino

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Getting Started With SkiiiD Editor

skiiiD Teaser

skiiiD Editor, Development Board Firmware IDE

skiiiD Editor is based on skiiiD(Firmware Development Engine). Now, it is compatible with Arduino UNO, MEGA, and NANO with 70+ components.

Operating System

macOS / Windows

How to Install

Visit Website to download client


Arduino UNO,

Create Project: Start Page


You will see the start page when you launch skiiiD. In this page, you can create or open a project and select your board.

Create Project: Board Select


Step1. Select new button on the left-upper side of start page or press ctrl+N.

Step2. Select a board to start a project.

Add Components


In order to develop firmware you need to select components.

Step1. Click Plus '+' button On right side of client

Add Components: Component Selection


Step2. Select components from the provided lists

Component libraries will be updated constantly. Please visit Request Library Page for requesting components.

Add Components: Component Detail Page


Step3. When click a component, configure pins, check funcitions and further information about the component.

Step4. Click Add button right below of the window.

Add Components: Connection Alert Feature


Make sure all component signs are green. If the dot color is yellow, other component already use the pin.

Add Components: Component Added


Add Components: Essential Code Auto Filled


Step5. Essential Code to implement component's function is auto-filled.

Code Auto-Complete


If a component is properly added, write component name. Available functions(preset code) are listed on editor.

The code is created by skiiiD team. For further information please visit skiiiD Libraries Page



Find and Replace Feature

Press ctrl+F for find and replace panel. It is available to find a word and replace it.

Keyboard Shortcut (In the parenthesis = macOS)

ctrl+X (CMD+x) Cut highlighted text

ctrl+C (CMD+C) Copy highlighted text

ctrl+V (CMD+V) Paste highlighted text

ctrl+A (CMD+A) Select all text

ctrl+F (CMD+F) Open find and replace panel

ctrl+SPACE (CMD+SPACE) Open auto-complete list

ctrl+K (CMD+K) Fold / Unfold

ctrl+Shift+K (CMD+Shift+K) Fold / Unfold all

P.S. This is beta version and it is free now. We are working on components and boards libraries. Feel free to use it and welcome to feedback.

email : or visit and Fill out Need help tab.

Release Notes

October 16, 2019 (v0.1.11)
- Stabilized the process about resource download.

October 10, 2019 (v0.1.10)

- Fixed the bug that skiiiD was not working right after auto-update.

October 07, 2019 (v0.1.9)

- Added the Neopixel module's library for Maker Faire Seoul 2019

- Improved the UX about auto-complete.

September 25, 2019 (v0.1.8)

- Supported the multi-language for library's tooltip(English, Korean).

- Added the sub function that display parameters to auto-complete.

August 30, 2019 (v0.1.7)

- Supported the new board(Arduino Nano).

August 22, 2019 (v0.1.6)

- Modified the process of pin recommendation and setting.

August 05, 2019 (v0.1.5)

- Supported the mac version.Modified the process for serial port.

- Moved the cursor into loop function when new project.

- Added the board change function.

June 05, 2019 (v0.1.4)


- Segment module didn't display the zero number.

- Modified the typo and UI.

May 31, 2019 (v0.1.3)


- Project was empty when new project without board select.

Added libraries

- Servo Motor

May 29, 2019 (v0.1.2)


- Tooltip didn't disappear sometimes.

Added Libraries

- Gyroscope Module (MPU6050)

May 17, 2019 (v0.1.1)


- Error occurred when compile the dot-matrix module.

May 17, 2019 (v0.1.0)