Getting Started With ESP32

by Nick Programmer in Circuits > Microcontrollers

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Getting Started With ESP32

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The ESP32 is a series of low-cost and low-power System on a Chip (SoC) microcontrollers developed by Espressif that include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless capabilities and dual-core processor. This guide contains all the information you need to get started with the ESP32. But it's not matter, it's better to know - why ESP32?

Why ESP32?

  • The ESP32 costs a little bigger than ESP8266;
  • The ESP32 has a bigger power than ESP8266;
  • The ESP32 has Bluetooth module;

My tutorial on YouTube -



If you don't have ESP32 board, you will need to have..

  • ESP32 x1;
  • USB Cable x1;
  • CP2102 USB UART x1;

If you have ESP32 board, you will need to have..

  • ESP32 x1;
  • USB Cable x1;

Download the Arduino IDE

Software _ Arduino - Google Chrome 6_2_2023 4_35_08 PM (2).png

IDE - Integrated development environment, or an application, that we will use to write code and upload code.

I don't recommend you to download the Arduino IDE 2.x versions. There are still some bugs and some features that are not supported yet for the ESP32. I recommend to download the 1.8.19 version of Arduino IDE because it works properly with ESP32.

  • To see the Arduino IDE page click - here.
  • Scroll down and find the 1.8.19 version.
  • Select your operating system and download.

Install the Arduino IDE

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After downloading you will need to go to the Download folder, find the Arduino file .exe, then you will need to install the .exe file.

Configure the Arduino IDE

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LedStripFirstController _ Arduino 1.8.19 6_3_2023 5_09_51 PM.png
  • Open the Arduino IDE.
  • Navigate to the File > Preferences, paste the "" link into the Additional Boards Manager URLs text field.
  • Navigate to the Tools > Board > Boards Manager, find the esp32 and click install.
  • Then you'll need to go to the Tools > Boards, and choose your esp32 board.

Download and Install Driver CP210x for ESP32

CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers - Silicon Labs - Google Chrome 6_3_2023 4_04_07 PM (2).jpg
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  • Then you will need go to the page with CP210x Driver.
  • Page with CP210x Driver for ESP32 - here.
  • Scroll down until you find the CP210x "VCP Mac OSX Driver" - for MacOS or CP210x "Windows Drivers" - for Windows.
  • Download;
  • After downloading you will need to go to the Download folder;
  • Find CP210x driver .zip;
  • Unpack the .zip file, go to the unpacked folder and Install the x86 driver .exe.

Upload an Example

#include "WiFi.h"
const char* ssid = "yourNetworkName"; //choose your wireless ssid
const char* password = "yourNetworkPass"; //put your wireless password here.
void setup() {
 WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
 while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi..");
 Serial.println("Connected to the WiFi network");
 Serial.println("IP address: ");
 Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); //show ip address when connected on serial monitor.
void loop() {}
  • Create a new Sketch;
  • Change the SSID and Password in the sketch;
  • Navigate to Tools > Board: > ESP32 Arduino > 'select you board'
  • Click the upload button;
  • When you see "Connecting.." message, hold BOOT button on your board until your Sketch will be uploaded;
  • Check the Serial Monitor;

If you saw connected message, everything worked properly.

Congratulations 👏