How to build generator steps
How to Attach Your Yellow Motor Holder
Grab your motor and place it into your holder and secure it by placing the plastic top and connecting it to the hooks.
How to Attach the Wheel to the Holder
On the yellow holder, there will be a White tube that fits the wheel that you can attach to.
Clip Wire
Use wire clipper to shorten the wire to create a more organized workspace
Connect Your LED Light to the Wires
Grab your LED light and take the metal legs and bend them into a hook then bend the copper wire on each end to attach to the wire but make sure the wires do not touch or else the light will not work.
Keep Your Wires in Place
Take a part of the wire sort of in the middle and hot glue it to the side of your holder to make sure the wire and LED light stay in place.
Add Support
Take a piece of foam and place your generator on the foam and hot glue it onto it
Balance Weight Out
To balance out the foam you have to use something and hot glue it onto the other side. I used a wood wheel and hot glued it onto the foam.
How to Use the Electromagnetic Generator
Take a metal axle and put it into the wheel and spin the wheel it will cause the axle in the motor to start spinning which will make the light turn on.