Gemini Titan II Model Rocket

This is not a complete kit.
You will need to order common rocket parts to complete the model
Kit Includes:
Gemini Capsule
Gemini Shroud
Engine shrouds X2
New light weight Clear fin ring
Clear Acrylic fins X4
Acrylic fin weld
Tail dressing 4 parts
Screw Eye
Laser cut bulkheads:
RA-2050 Ring Adapters
BT20 to BT 50 x 4
RA-6070 Ring Adapter
BT60 to BT70 x 2
RA-2060 Ring Adapter BT20 to BT60
RA-2070 Ring Adapter BT20 to BT70
You will need to order parts below from
BT-70KD Body Tube 17.5” Long
BT-20B Body Tube 8.65” Long
BT-60K Body Tube 7” Long
BT-20G Body Tube 3.5” Long
LL-2D Launch Lug1/8” X8” Long
EB-20A Engine Thrust Ring
WD-112 Wood Dowel 1/12" x 12"
JT-50B Stage Coupler 0.437” Long
JT-70A Stage Coupler 1.25” Long
EC-218 Shock Cord
CP-24Y Parachute 24”yellow
SLT-1D 144” shroud line
MC-727 Empty Engine Case .7”X2.75” 1
Skin Kit BT-70 from
or 7 1/8 " Circumference
Get All the Parts Together for the Engine Section.

The coupler the short bt-50 rings and the engine tubes and engine block are not included in my parts kit.
2@ WD-112 Wood Dowel 1/12" x 12"
2@ JT-50B Stage Coupler 0.437” Long
JT-70A Stage Coupler 1.25” Long
Glue the Engine Bulkheads Into the Coupler ( Make Sure to Align Them )

pressing them in can take some force .
Place Engine Tubes in Bulkheads and Glue In

Measure 15 Mm From the Bulkhead and Mark Engine Tubes. Glue 2 of the 4 BT20/50 Rings.

Using an Engine Mark a Ring 10mm From End

MC-727 Empty Engine Case .7”X2.75”
Peal the Outer Layer Off the Engine Blocks, and Glue Using the Engine to Push the Engine Block Into Place in Both Tubes. You May Want to Use the 1/8 Dowel With Glue on Tip to Glue the Top and Bottom of Engine Block Toughly.

Glue the Paper Rings to the 20/50 Bulkheads and Glue the Other 2 Rings to Bottom.

Glue the 2 Engine Faring's to Bottom of Engine Tubes

Make Sure to Align the Engine Faring's.

Glue Engine Detail Pieces on and Using the Thin Dowel Cut and Glue the Support Structure on Engines

Find All the Body Parts.

BT-70KD Body Tube 17.5” Long
BT-20B Body Tube 8.65” Long
BT-60K Body Tube 7” Long
2@ BT-20G Body Tube 3.5” Long
EC-218 Shock Cord
CP-24Y Parachute 24”yellow
SLT-1D 144” shroud line
Find the BT-60 Tube Glue the 60/70 Rings to the Bottom and Slide the Second 60/70 Ring Down Tube It Will Fit Under the Gemini Shroud. Place Glue Around the Top of the BT-60 Tube and Slide the Gemini Shroud On.

RA-6070 Ring Adapter BT60 to BT70
BT-60K Body Tube 7” Long
and the Gemini Shroud
Test Fit the Gemini Capsule and Adjust Shroud If Needed.

Glue the 20/60 Ring Into Bottom of Shroud Tube Assembly.

RA-2060 Ring Adapter BT20 to BT60
Glue the 20/70 Ring Onto the BT-20 8.65" Tube, Then Glue It to Bottom of Shroud Tube in the 20/60. Then Glue and Slide in the Assembly Into the Outer BT-70 Tube.

BT-20B Body Tube 8.65” Long
RA-2070 Ring Adapter BT20 to BT70
Take the Screw Eye Make a Pilot Hole With an Exacto Blade Point in Center of Gemini Capsule and Glue in Place With CA Glue.

Parachute and Shroud Cord

Clear Fin Ring and Attach the The Clear Fins With the Acrylic Weld

Apply StickerShock23 Gemini Titan Sticker 7 1/8 " Circumference
Mask and Paint the Engine Section With Chrome or Silver Paint,

Glue in the Engine Section to Body Tube.

Attach Launch Lug.