Gel Cannon Tank: a Fun Arduino (ESP32) Project!

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Gel Cannon Tank: a Fun Arduino (ESP32) Project!

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Gel Cannon Tank: A Fun Arduino (ESP32) Project!

Welcome to our exciting DIY adventure! In this video, we'll show you how to build a Gel Cannon Tank using the powerful Arduino ESP32. This fun project is perfect for tech enthusiasts, hobbyists, and anyone looking to dive into the world of electronics and robotics.



All materials can be found here

Basic kit has

  1. ESP32
  2. Wheels
  3. Tank Chassis
  4. Sonar sensor
  5. Gel Cannon
  6. Nuts and bolts

Build the Robot


Following the steps to assemble the project

Upload the Code

#include <WiFi.h>
#include "esp_camera.h"
#include <vehicle.h>
#include <ultrasonic.h>
#include <ESP32Servo.h>
#include <Arduino.h>

#define Shoot_PIN 32 //shoot---200ms
#define FIXED_SERVO_PIN 25 //Non-adjustable servo pins
#define TURN_SERVO_PIN 26 //Adjustable servo pin gun

#define LED_Module1 2
#define LED_Module2 12
#define Left_sensor 35
#define Middle_sensor 36
#define Right_sensor 39
#define Buzzer 33

#define CMD_RUN 1
#define CMD_GET 2
#define CMD_STANDBY 3
#define CMD_TRACK_1 4
#define CMD_TRACK_2 5
#define CMD_AVOID 6
#define CMD_FOLLOW 7

//app music
#define C3 131
#define D3 147
#define E3 165
#define F3 175
#define G3 196
#define A3 221
#define B3 248

#define C4 262
#define D4 294
#define E4 330
#define F4 350
#define G4 393
#define A4 441
#define B4 495

#define C5 525
#define D5 589
#define E5 661
#define F5 700
#define G5 786
#define A5 882
#define B5 990
#define N 0

const char *ssid = "ESP32-Car";   //Set WIFI name
const char *password = "12345678"; //Set WIFI password
WiFiServer server(100);       //Set server port
WiFiClient client;         //client

vehicle Acebott;    //car
ultrasonic Ultrasonic; //ultrasonic
Servo fixedServo;      //Servo
Servo turnServo;      //shooting servo

int Left_Tra_Value;
int Middle_Tra_Value;
int Right_Tra_Value;
int Black_Line = 2000;
int Off_Road = 4000;
int speeds = 250;
int leftDistance = 0;
int middleDistance = 0;
int rightDistance = 0;

String sendBuff;
String Version = "Firmware Version is 0.12.21";
byte dataLen, index_a = 0;
char buffer[52];
unsigned char prevc = 0;
bool isStart = false;
bool ED_client = true;
bool WA_en = false;
byte RX_package[17] = { 0 };
uint16_t angle = 90;
byte action = Stop, device;
byte val = 0;
char model_var = 0;
int UT_distance = 0;

int length0;
int length1;
int length2;
int length3;
/*****app music*****/
// littel star
int tune0[] = { C4, N, C4, G4, N, G4, A4, N, A4, G4, N, F4, N, F4, E4, N, E4, D4, N, D4, C4 };
float durt0[] = { 0.99, 0.01, 1, 0.99, 0.01, 1, 0.99, 0.01, 1, 1.95, 0.05, 0.99, 0.01, 1, 0.99, 0.01, 1, 0.99, 0.01, 1, 2 };
// jingle bell
int tune1[] = { E4, N, E4, N, E4, N, E4, N, E4, N, E4, N, E4, G4, C4, D4, E4 };
float durt1[] = { 0.49, 0.01, 0.49, 0.01, 0.99, 0.01, 0.49, 0.01, 0.49, 0.01, 0.99, 0.01, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 0.25, 1, 2 };
// happy new year
int tune2[] = { C5, N, C5, N, C5, G4, E5, N, E5, N, E5, C5, N, C5, E5, G5, N, G5, F5, E5, D5, N };
float durt2[] = { 0.49, 0.01, 0.49, 0.01, 1, 1, 0.49, 0.01, 0.49, 0.01, 1, 0.99, 0.01, 0.5, 0.5, 0.99, 0.01, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1 };
// have a farm
int tune3[] = { C4, N, C4, N, C4, G3, A3, N, A3, G3, E4, N, E4, D4, N, D4, C4 };
float durt3[] = { 0.99, 0.01, 0.99, 0.01, 1, 1, 0.99, 0.01, 1, 2, 0.99, 0.01, 1, 0.99, 0.01, 1, 1 };
/*****app music*****/

unsigned char readBuffer(int index_r) {
 return buffer[index_r];
void writeBuffer(int index_w, unsigned char c) {
 buffer[index_w] = c;

} function_mode;

void setup() {
 Serial.setTimeout(10); // Set the serial port timeout to 10 milliseconds
 Serial.begin(115200);  // Initialize serial communication, baud rate is 115200


 pinMode(LED_Module1, OUTPUT); // Set LED module1 as output
 pinMode(LED_Module2, OUTPUT); // Set LED module2 as output
 pinMode(Shoot_PIN, OUTPUT);  // Set shooting pin as output
 pinMode(Left_sensor, INPUT);   // Set the infrared left line pin as input
 pinMode(Middle_sensor, INPUT);  // Set the infrared middle line pin as input
 pinMode(Right_sensor, INPUT);  // Set the infrared right line pin as input

 ESP32PWM::allocateTimer(1); // Assign timer 1 to ESP32PWM library
 fixedServo.attach(FIXED_SERVO_PIN);  // Connect the servo to the FIXED_SERVO_PIN pin
 fixedServo.write(angle);     // Set the servo angle to angle
 turnServo.attach(TURN_SERVO_PIN);  // Connect the servo to the TURN_SERVO_PIN pin
 turnServo.write(angle);     // Set the servo angle to angle
 Acebott.Move(Stop, 0);    // Stop Acebott Movement
 delay(3000);         // Delay 3 seconds

 length0 = sizeof(tune0) / sizeof(tune0[0]); // Calculate the length of tune0 array
 length1 = sizeof(tune1) / sizeof(tune1[0]); // Calculate the length of tune1 array
 length2 = sizeof(tune2) / sizeof(tune2[0]); // Calculate the length of tune2 array
 length3 = sizeof(tune3) / sizeof(tune3[0]); // Calculate the length of tune3 array

Acebott.Init();   // Initialize Acebott
 Ultrasonic.Init(); // Initialize the Ultrasonic Module

 WiFi.setTxPower(WIFI_POWER_19_5dBm); // Set Wi-Fi transmit power to 19.5dBm
 WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP);          // Set Wi-Fi working mode to access point mode
 WiFi.softAP(ssid, password, 5);    // Create a Wi-Fi access point, the SSID is ssid, the password is password, and the maximum number of connections is 5
 Serial.print("Camera Ready! Use 'http://"); // Print prompt message
 Serial.print(WiFi.softAPIP());        // Print access point IP address
 Serial.println("' to connect");       // Print prompt message

 server.begin(); // 启动服务器

void loop() {

void functionMode() {
 switch (function_mode) {
  case FOLLOW:
    model3_func(); // Enter the follow mode and call the model3_func() function
  case TRACK_1:
    model1_func(); // Enter tracking mode 1 and call the model1_func() function
  case TRACK_2:
    model4_func(); // Enter tracking mode 2 and call the model4_func() function
  case AVOID:
    model2_func(); // Enter obstacle avoidance mode and call the model2_func() function

void Receive_data() // Receive data
 if (client.available()) // If data is available
  unsigned char c = & 0xff; // Read one byte of data
  Serial.write(c);             // Send received data on serial port
  if (c == 0x55 && isStart == false)    // If start flag 0x55 is received and data reception has not started yet
   if (prevc == 0xff) // If the previous byte is also the start flag 0xff
    index_a = 1;   // Data index is set to 1
    isStart = true; // Start receiving data
  } else {
   prevc = c;  // Update the value of the previous byte
   if (isStart) // If you have started receiving data
    if (index_a == 2) // If it is the second byte, it indicates the data length
     dataLen = c;      // Update data length
    } else if (index_a > 2) // If it is the subsequent byte
     dataLen--; // Data length minus one
    writeBuffer(index_a, c); // Write data to buffer
  index_a++;     // Index increase
  if (index_a > 120) // If the index exceeds the upper limit
   index_a = 0;   // reset index to 0
   isStart = false; // End data reception
  if (isStart && dataLen == 0 && index_a > 3) // If data reception is completed
   isStart = false; // End data reception
   parseData();   // Analytical data
   index_a = 0;   // reset index to 0

void model2_func() // OA
 UT_distance = Ultrasonic.Ranging(Trig_PIN, Echo_PIN);
 //Serial.print("UT_distance: ");
 middleDistance = UT_distance;

 if (middleDistance <= 25) {
  Acebott.Move(Stop, 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
   if (function_mode != AVOID)
  for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) {
   if (function_mode != AVOID)
  rightDistance = Ultrasonic.Ranging(Trig_PIN, Echo_PIN);
  //Serial.print("rightDistance: ");
  for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) {
   if (function_mode != AVOID)
  leftDistance = Ultrasonic.Ranging(Trig_PIN, Echo_PIN);
  //Serial.print("leftDistance: ");
  if ((rightDistance < 10) && (leftDistance < 10)) {
   Acebott.Move(Backward, 180);
   for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
    if (function_mode != AVOID)
   Acebott.Move(Contrarotate, 180); //delay(200);
   for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
    if (function_mode != AVOID)
  } else if (rightDistance < leftDistance) {
   Acebott.Move(Backward, 180);
   for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
    if (function_mode != AVOID)
   Acebott.Move(Contrarotate, 180); //delay(200);
   for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
    if (function_mode != AVOID)
  } //turn right
  else if (rightDistance > leftDistance) {
   Acebott.Move(Backward, 180);
   for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
    if (function_mode != AVOID)
   Acebott.Move(Clockwise, 180); //delay(200);
   for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
    if (function_mode != AVOID)
  } else {
   Acebott.Move(Backward, 180);
   for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
    if (function_mode != AVOID)
   Acebott.Move(Clockwise, 180); //delay(200);
   for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
    if (function_mode != AVOID)
 } else {
  Acebott.Move(Forward, 150);

void model3_func() // follow model
 UT_distance = Ultrasonic.Ranging(Trig_PIN, Echo_PIN);
 if (UT_distance < 15) {
  Acebott.Move(Backward, 200);
 } else if (15 <= UT_distance && UT_distance <= 20) {
  Acebott.Move(Stop, 0);
 } else if (20 <= UT_distance && UT_distance <= 25) {
  Acebott.Move(Forward, speeds - 70);
 } else if (25 <= UT_distance && UT_distance <= 50) {
  Acebott.Move(Forward, 220);
 } else {
  Acebott.Move(Stop, 0);

void model4_func() // tracking model2
 Left_Tra_Value = analogRead(Left_sensor);
 Middle_Tra_Value = analogRead(Middle_sensor);
 Right_Tra_Value = analogRead(Right_sensor);
 if (Left_Tra_Value < Black_Line && Middle_Tra_Value >= Black_Line && Right_Tra_Value < Black_Line) {
  Acebott.Move(Forward, 180);
 if (Left_Tra_Value < Black_Line && Middle_Tra_Value >= Black_Line && Right_Tra_Value >= Black_Line) {
  Acebott.Move(Forward, 180);
 if (Left_Tra_Value >= Black_Line && Middle_Tra_Value >= Black_Line && Right_Tra_Value < Black_Line) {
  Acebott.Move(Forward, 180);

 else if (Left_Tra_Value >= Black_Line && Middle_Tra_Value < Black_Line && Right_Tra_Value < Black_Line) {
  Acebott.Move(Contrarotate, 220);
 } else if (Left_Tra_Value < Black_Line && Middle_Tra_Value < Black_Line && Right_Tra_Value >= Black_Line) {
  Acebott.Move(Clockwise, 220);

 else if (Left_Tra_Value >= Off_Road && Middle_Tra_Value >= Off_Road && Right_Tra_Value >= Off_Road) {
  Acebott.Move(Stop, 0);

void model1_func() // tracking model1
 Left_Tra_Value = analogRead(Left_sensor);
 //Middle_Tra_Value = analogRead(Middle_sensor);
 Right_Tra_Value = analogRead(Right_sensor);
 if (Left_Tra_Value < Black_Line && Right_Tra_Value < Black_Line) {
  Acebott.Move(Forward, 130);
 } else if (Left_Tra_Value >= Black_Line && Right_Tra_Value < Black_Line) {
  Acebott.Move(Contrarotate, 150);
 } else if (Left_Tra_Value < Black_Line && Right_Tra_Value >= Black_Line) {
  Acebott.Move(Clockwise, 150);
 } else if (Left_Tra_Value >= Black_Line && Left_Tra_Value < Off_Road && Right_Tra_Value >= Black_Line && Right_Tra_Value < Off_Road) {
  Acebott.Move(Stop, 0);
 } else if (Left_Tra_Value >= Off_Road && Right_Tra_Value >= Off_Road) {
  Acebott.Move(Stop, 0);

void Servo_Move(int angles) //servo

 int pwmValue = map(angles, 1, 180, 130, 70);
 int currentPwm =;
 if (pwmValue>currentPwm){
  for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
   int newPwm = currentPwm + (pwmValue - currentPwm) * (j / 20.0);
 } else {
  for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++) {
   int newPwm = currentPwm + (pwmValue - currentPwm) * (j / 15.0);


void Music_a() {
 for (int x = 0; x < length0; x++) {
  tone(Buzzer, tune0[x]);
  delay(500 * durt0[x]);
void Music_b() {
 for (int x = 0; x < length1; x++) {
  tone(Buzzer, tune1[x]);
  delay(500 * durt1[x]);
void Music_c() {
 for (int x = 0; x < length2; x++) {
  tone(Buzzer, tune2[x]);
  delay(500 * durt2[x]);
void Music_d() {
 for (int x = 0; x < length3; x++) {
  tone(Buzzer, tune3[x]);
  delay(300 * durt3[x]);
void Buzzer_run(int M) {
 switch (M) {
  case 0x01:
  case 0x02:
  case 0x03:
  case 0x04:

void runModule(int device) {
 val = readBuffer(12);
 switch (device) {
  case 0x0C:
    switch (val) {
     case 0x01:
      Acebott.Move(Forward, speeds);
     case 0x02:
      Acebott.Move(Backward, speeds);
     case 0x03:
      Acebott.Move(Move_Left, speeds);
     case 0x04:
      Acebott.Move(Move_Right, speeds);
     case 0x05:
      Acebott.Move(Top_Left, speeds);
     case 0x06:
      Acebott.Move(Bottom_Left, speeds);
     case 0x07:
      Acebott.Move(Top_Right, speeds);
     case 0x08:
      Acebott.Move(Bottom_Right, speeds);
     case 0x0A:
      Acebott.Move(Clockwise, speeds);
     case 0x09:
      Acebott.Move(Contrarotate, speeds);
     case 0x00:
      Acebott.Move(Stop, 0);
  case 0x02:
  case 0x03:
  case 0x05:
    digitalWrite(LED_Module1, val);
    digitalWrite(LED_Module2, val);
  case 0x08:
    digitalWrite(Shoot_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(Shoot_PIN, LOW);
  case 0x0D:
    speeds = val;
void parseData() {
 isStart = false;
 int action = readBuffer(9);
 int device = readBuffer(10);
 switch (action) {
  case CMD_RUN:
   function_mode = STANDBY;
   function_mode = STANDBY;
   Acebott.Move(Stop, 0);
  case CMD_TRACK_1:
   function_mode = TRACK_1;
  case CMD_TRACK_2:
   function_mode = TRACK_2;
  case CMD_AVOID:
   function_mode = AVOID;
  case CMD_FOLLOW:
   function_mode = FOLLOW;
  default: break;

void RXpack_func() //Receive data
 client = server.available(); // Waiting for client to connect
 if (client)          // If there is a client connection
  WA_en = true;             // enable write enable
  ED_client = true;           // Client connection flag set to true
  Serial.println("[Client connected]"); // Print client connection information

  while (client.connected()) // While the client is still connected
   if (client.available()) // If there is data to read
    unsigned char c = & 0xff; // Read data
    Serial.write(c);             // Print received data
    if (c == 0x55 && isStart == false)    // If the received data is 0x55 and isStart is false
     if (prevc == 0xff) // If the previous byte is 0xff
      index_a = 1;   // Index is set to 1
      isStart = true; // Data start flag is set to true
    } else {
     prevc = c;  // Update the value of the previous byte
     if (isStart) // If data start flag is true
      if (index_a == 2) // if index is 2
       dataLen = c;      // The data length is set to c
      } else if (index_a > 2) // if index is greater than 2
       dataLen--; // Data length minus 1
      writeBuffer(index_a, c); // Write data to buffer
    index_a++;     // Index increases by 1
    if (index_a > 120) // If the index is greater than 120
     index_a = 0;   // Index reset to 0
     isStart = false; // Data start flag is set to false
    if (isStart && dataLen == 0 && index_a > 3) // If the data start flag is true and the data length is 0 and the index is greater than 3
     isStart = false; // Data start flag is set to false
     parseData();   // Analytical data
     index_a = 0;   // Index is set to 0
   functionMode();     // Function pattern processing
   if (Serial.available()) // If there is data in the serial port, it can be read
    char c =; // Read data
    sendBuff += c;      // Add data to send buffer
    client.print(sendBuff); // Send data to client
    Serial.print(sendBuff); // Print sent data
    sendBuff = "";      // Clear send buffer
  client.stop();              // Disconnect client
  Serial.println("[Client disconnected]"); // Print client disconnect information
 } else                   // If no client is connected
  if (ED_client == true) // If there was a client connection before
   ED_client = false; // Client connection flag set to false


You need to install the ESP32 boards by adding it to Arduino