Garden Organizer for 'Click On' Type Watering Accessories.

by Rolts in Workshop > Organizing

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Garden Organizer for 'Click On' Type Watering Accessories.

Have all your watering accessories in one location, in an easy to see arrangement.

Materials and Tools Needed.

For this project, I used a length of PVC angled building moulding. Although it is intended for internal use, if located in a sheltered outside position or in a gardening shed, it will perform admirably. As its internal angle is less than 90 degrees, when mounted, the tools will remain in place.

Materials: all material sizes are given in millimetres.
P.V.C. building moulding angle 47mm x 47mm x 4mm. (Available in lengths of 2.8m to 4m)
screws for mounting
masonry wall plugs if mounting to brick wall.
power drill
assorted drill bits
conical grinding bit
multi-tool with cutting and sanding attachments
tape measure
set square
fine grade file.

Measure and Cut to Size

Clamp your P.V.C. moulding, measure and mark a 360mm length.
Using a multi-tool or fine toothed saw, cut to the marked length.
Use the multi-tool with sanding attachment, smooth the cut surface.

Mark Mounting Points.

On one side, mark a mid-line down the length.
Mark the mid-line at 60mm intervals.
Each of these points represents one accessory mounting point.

Drill Pilot Holes

Drill a pilot hole at each of the 60mm marked points.

Measure to Calculate the Mount Hole Size.

Measure the diameter of the neck of the watering accessory connector.
This is to establish the final size of the hole required for mounting point.
This will also be the width of the channel to be cut into the moulding.

More Drilling, Then Mark the Channels.

Re-drill each hole with a slightly larger drill bit.
Repeat, until the mount hole is the the size of the connector as measured in the previous step.
Mark the channels to be cut, by drawing from the outside edge of each hole to the edge of the material. These channels need to be marked at 90 degrees to the edge of the material.
Allow an extra millimetre to allow the accessory to move easily in the channel

Enlarge the Mounting Holes to the Required Size.

If you do not have a drill bit of the size required for the mounting hole, a conical grinding bit fitted to the drill will ream the hole to the required size.

Cut the Channels.

Use the multi-tool with a saw blade, or fine toothed saw, to cut the channels along the marked lines, from the edge of the material to the outside edge of each hole.

Rounding Off the Sharp Corners.

Use a coin or a washer to mark a radius to round all of the corners. This will ensure no dangerous points when placing or removing accessories from the fitting.
Use a fine file or the sanding attachment on your multi-tool to remove the sharp corners.

Add Holes for Screws to Attach to Wall, Fence Etc.

On the opposite side, mark a mid-line the length of the side.
Mark a point 90 mm from each end.
Drill holes for the mounting screws at these points.

De-burring to Remove All Sharp Edges.

Use a grinding bit or sanding fitting on the multi-tool to remove all rough edges prior to mounting. Your fingers will thank you for this later. Mount to suitable surface, add your watering accessories.

Attach to Wall or Fence, Add Your Watering Accessories.

When attaching to a wall or fence:
1. position in a sheltered spot. This will ensure your organizer will last and will extend the life of the o-rings on the accessories.
2. choose appropriate hardware to attach to the wall or fence surface.