Garden Bench

Garden bench
Size 2m x 0,5m x 0,5m
Time: 3 days
Net cost: $15
Step 1: Project

We want to make four identical benches and place them around a campfire.
We make the project: the radius to the bench must be so that we can put four benches close to each other and it will be a semi-circle around the fire.
Our sizes:
1. distance to the fire - 2 meters
2. the far edge of the bench - 2 meters
3. proximal edge of the bench - 1,5 meters
4. the width of the bench - 0,5 meters
5. the height of the bench - 0,5 meters
Step 2: Measure Out, Saw Off, Process the Edges With a File

34 seat boards: 2cm x 5 cm x 50 cm
6 legs: 5 cm x 7 cm x 50 cm
2 connecting boards for seat (far edge): 4 cm x 4 cm x 100 cm
2 connecting boards for seat (a proximal edge): 4 cm x 4 cm x 80 cm
3 connecting boards from far edge to a proximal edge: 4 cm x 4 cm x 40 cm
Step 3: Painting

Next day we paint our boards.
Step 4: Frame for the Bench

Next day after painting we start the frame for the bench.
Legs connects with metal corners.
Step 5: the Seat

The rays of our seat should be lined semicircle.
We lay out it easily with the rope tied to a stick.
Our rays we connect from the inside of the frame.
To turn over the bench and do not break the rays, we use paper scotch
Step 6: Final Stage

To finalise our bench we connect side boards.
Step 7: Invite Friends

When we finished our garden bench many friends came to see it.
Next parts of bench and fireplace are coming soon!