Gameprint 3D ‘Quick’ Digital Composition Tutorial

by Geektastic_Trek in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Gameprint 3D ‘Quick’ Digital Composition Tutorial



As a hobbyist, I take great pleasure in curating my collectibles of Star Trek models. To quote Marie Kondo, they ‘spark joy’ that is both fulfilling and meaningful. Moreover, I enjoy the process of documenting my collection, by way of placing the models within a digital composition. It is the passion for such leisurely activities that sets the hobbyist apart. Oftentimes we share our exuberance with our friends, who may or may not have the same interests, but can certainly appreciate our vested interests. This tutorial is a guide on making your collectibles larger than life; to cater to your imagination. Through the use of my smartphone and Gameprint 3D Models, I can direct you to create your own digital compositions of starships in interstellar space. The biggest draw is that you do not require the use of a desktop/laptop editing software. Rather the use of a smartphone and materials available in your surroundings will be sufficient to unlock your creativity.



The following is what was utilized to create the digital compositions. Your own materials can vary however it would not alter the desired results.

  1. Gameprint 3D Star Trek Starships
  2. Samsung Galaxy S10 ( Your own Smartphones can vary)
  3. An enclosed darkened shelving unit (Preferably black but not a requirement)
  4. Black clothCardboard panels
  5. Model stands
  6. Darkened StyroFoam
  7. Gooseneck Desk Lamp



Select the model(s) that you wish to create your digital composition with. In this case, two well known Star Trek Starships and Cryptic Studio’s Star Trek Online Starship were chosen for the tutorial. Created by Gameprint 3D, these printed collectibles have the quality and detailing that rivals other competitors. They greatly complement and enhance the digital imagery of my imagination. The biggest bonus to these printed models is that you’re able to order your very own customized starship. Be sure to visit Gameprint 3D to learn more about their 3D prints. I can confidently tell you that your first delivery will not be the last.



While having an enclosed shelving unit is not a requirement, it does help in setting up shots with multiple items. The reasoning I will explain later on, but for the moment, the model is positioned onto the shelf. At times you may not have the required stands to hold a particular model, but it is possible to rig or borrow stands from other models. Depending on the angle of the shot, ensure that weight of the item is distributed equally, or balanced to minimize any mishap by the means of gravity. For total transparency, gravity will always try to one up you, be alert when positioning the model and yourself when taking the shots. Sticky putty is a good material to anchor models, but in this case, it was not required.



Once the model has been positioned, use the smartphone to take a series of photographs. The tip I can give is to make sure that the photograph of choice offers the maximum clarity of the object while minimizing any interference of the model's support stand. If lighting within the shelving unit is too dark or too exposed, desk lamps and a cardboard panel can help to balance the model’s light exposure. With the selected image, navigate to the smartphone's editing tool.

Modern smartphones have a built-in editing tool within the photo gallery. They may vary from phone to phone, but most are equipped to handle the kinds of edits that relate to space exploration. Be sure to duplicate your photograph in case the ‘revert to original feature is not present on your own phone. It is at this point where you are given free reign to explore and manipulate the image to your liking. The enclosed shelving allows the natural darkness to offer a better contrast to an object, especially when editing the image to be within a deep space environment.

Digital Composition and Multi Objects


Composing and editing an image does take a little bit of practice and time, especially when using your fingers over a smartphone screen. The filter and paintbrush tools will be your primary arsenal, with the color dropper to mask certain parts of the composition. It is recommended to save your image as often as you can. A photo gallery software wasn't designed to compete with the likes of Adobe Creative Suite. Personally, I have had to face my editing tool crash, wiping away all traces of my efforts. But with perseverance and limitless imagination a model can be shown as shown in the above pictures.

There are multitudes of ways to compose a model within digital composition. If you feel confident with the new found skillset, you can add a secondary model to enhance the imagery. The steps are much the same but with the added caveat of ensuring that perspective shots are set up to minimize any blur. This is where camera hardware comes into play with smartphones. Higher end models would have more functions with its cameras, others are limited. To contend with any foreground or background blur, ensure that focus is off centre to include and sharpen the secondary object. This also where the enclosed shelving has the most benefit to the models. Angled shots can be taken without background interference, or minimized through cropping. You can also position the two models of different sizes to represent a forced perspective. Through editing, an illusion of distance can be achieved. If you have gotten the hang of creating a digital composition with a single model, the challenge of multiple composing several objects in a shot would be most fulfilling.

Final Note


Appreciating your collectable ships

If you need further references, be sure to check out my instagram profile Geektastic.Trek. I can only hope that this tutorial would serve as a catalyst for your digital endeavors with your collection of models. You don’t have to be a graphics designer, but having a smartphone, even a Gameprint 3D model, is a great way to start off! Live Long and Prosper!