Game of Sicktivity
Ages 10-21 eligible to play
No martial artist over the height of 6'6
400-500 square feet asylum room
Martial artists must know Chinese martial arts and taekwondo
6 total weapons (Table of weapons come in when the round begins)
The asylum room must be completely empty before anybody enters
Game should take approximately 1 hour if their isn't any continuation needed
A few potential winners or 1 potential KING of SICKTIVITY
Wrist bands
Leg sleeves
Shoulder brace pads
Loafer shoes
Rule 1
Game occurs in a asylum room that's 500 square feet
Rule 2
All players will be martial artists
Rule 3
50 competitors
Rule 4
FFA (Free For All)
Rule 5
Fighters get in position once a horn is blown once. Horn blown 2 more times, everybody begins immediately.
Rule 6
During the fights no blinding anyone, no dislocating bones, no breaking bones. The martial artists will have to find a way of physically harming their match up without temporarily or permanently injuring them. If someone does get injured the game discontinues and gets postponed.
Rule 7
45 minute timer. Fighters that get knocked, thrown, kicked, slammed and pushed to the ground and are in too much pain to continue will have a minute to retaliate. They don't do so they're eliminated and ejected from the room. The fighters that put the other fighters on the ground (their match up) will receive 5 points each time.
Rule 8
Fighters that lean back against the walls attempting to use them for back support and as a shield will get a 1 point deduction for every time. You can have a 15 second break only 5 times throughout the whole game. You are to be crouching and have your butt touch the wall for all those 5 times. If not it'll recede in a 5 point deduction.
Note: Any of the fighters can't target there competition at those times. Once they get to the walls crouching and touching it, there safe for 15 seconds. Anybody that breaks that rule assuming it's an easy opportunity to take advantage to finish off the game faster will be removed from the room and banned from the game for LIFE.
Rule 9
In step 1 I said the asylum room will be 500 square feet... not quite. 400 square feet will be the space the martial artists square up in. The other 100 square feet will have a table supplied with some weapons such as nun chucks, swords, knives, spears, battle axes and rope darts. (Martial artists are not to use that specific space to fight). The purpose of that... is for fighters to try to give themselves the benefit of the doubt. If nothing in there possible power is working to defeat their match up. This only happens if any of the fighters are in too much pain to continue to use there own body as protection. This has to arrange while they are on the ground with the 1 minute timer ticking how I explained in step 7 if not, you know what. All fighters choose one weapon of their choice having one chance to annihilate their match up with it. Failure to do so will recede in a 10 point deduction.
Note: The fighters that are in too much pain can strike if somebody or everybody zones out/ gets distracted. Keep your eyes on the lookout EVERYWHERE.
Note: Your match up punches or kicks your weapon out of your hand you lose and you get ejected. You keep missing every time you strike the game will continue until the timer is up even if it's a countless amount of times, unless it's punched or kicked, punched and kicked out of your hands, out of your possession you're DONE, you're OUT. Timer WILL be expanded if necessary.
Rule 10
The last two people standing do sudden death. In this scenario FIGHTING WITH NO RULES. The striker puts the defender on the ground that's 10 points for the striker. Defender puts striker on the ground that's 10 points for the defender. Weapons are off limits and are to be removed from the asylum room in sudden death. Shoulder brace pads... are to be taken off and removed from the asylum room as well. Shall the best man win. Game will be played to 110.
Rule 11
Free For All game is to 50. 3 or more people get 50 sudden death does not happen the game turns into a draw. A new game starts from scratch for another day. The last 2 people that have 50 points even if they have lower numbers but still have the most points will leave off where there at and a new timer of 15 minutes will be set on the clock. If the last 2 people both somehow fall at the same time for game point at 110 points they'll go up to 120. Same thing happens the game is still a draw and everybody starts from fresh another time.
Note: It comes to a point where the 2 competitors can't get to 110-120 points anytime soon time will keep getting expanded no matter what.
Note: if 2 people don't have 50 points but have the most points when time is up they will still go to the next round (Sudden Death) where it takes place the same room but this time has an extra square feet of 100 to spare.
Note: 1-6 people can win FFA (Free For All) having a second and third place. Depending on how many people are tied 2 people can get 2nd place, 3 people can get 3rd place. Same thing happens no sudden death everything resets until next game. People that get 50 points at a timer buzzer (3 or more) will take home there wins or the ONE specific person that's first to get 50 before or after the timer takes home the win, same thing, everything resets until next game and sudden death does not OCCUR. 3-6 people can only win if they somehow get 50 points all at the same time the second the timer buzzes. If it happens during the time limit they'll just get a 5 point deduction every time until 1 or 2 people get to 50 points. Like I said first person that gets too 50, it's GAME OVER. 2 people get it at the same time within the time range or even when the timer buzzes sudden death will take place.
Note: Sudden Death obviously has 1 winner, 1 loser or a possible draw having it to have a first and second place. 2 people can get 1st place if it ends up being a tie.
Note: A referee is required for this game. (ONE THAT HAS A WHISTLE).