GYR Traffic Light

by sydneychen in Circuits > Arduino

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GYR Traffic Light


With an Arduino, you can quickly create a traffic signal. Although this instructable tries to guide you through nearly every move, there are a few points to consider. To make sure you're prepared, read the introduction and the first steps. The traffic light seen here is the breadboard version; a more realistic version will be available soon.

The way I change the idea

  • The speed of the light (3 of it)


  • Arduino x1
  • USB Cable x1
  • Breadboard x1
  • Wires x8
  • LED x3 (Red LED x1 -Yellow LED x1 -Green LED x1)
  • 220-ohm resistor x3

Step 1: Set Up All of the Wires

  1. Having one side of the wires on the positive one and another side at 5V
  2. Having one side of the wires on the negative one and another side at GND
  3. Plug Green LED in, one side of the wires plug at the left front side of the LED light, and another side at D13.
  4. Plug Yellow LED in, one side of the wires plug at the left front side of the LED light, and another side at D12.
  5. Plug Red LED in, one side of the wires plug at the left front side of the LED light, and another side at D11.
  6. Have all the 220-ohm resistor plugin at the LED lights' right backside.
  7. Have a side of the wires at the right side of the 220-ohm resistor, and another side at the negative side.
  8. Cover those wires with papers, and let the LED get out of the holes

Step 2: Coding

螢幕快照 2021-04-18 下午11.25.08.png
螢幕快照 2021-04-18 下午10.22.07.png

The first photo is the original one, and the second photo is the one that I have make some changes.

Step 3: Testing


The last step is testing the GYR (Green, Yellow, Red) Traffic light.