GYR Traffic Light

With an Arduino, you can quickly create a traffic signal. Although this instructable tries to guide you through nearly every move, there are a few points to consider. To make sure you're prepared, read the introduction and the first steps. The traffic light seen here is the breadboard version; a more realistic version will be available soon.
The way I change the idea
- The speed of the light (3 of it)
- Arduino x1
- USB Cable x1
- Breadboard x1
- Wires x8
- LED x3 (Red LED x1 -Yellow LED x1 -Green LED x1)
220-ohm resistor x3
Step 1: Set Up All of the Wires

- Having one side of the wires on the positive one and another side at 5V
- Having one side of the wires on the negative one and another side at GND
- Plug Green LED in, one side of the wires plug at the left front side of the LED light, and another side at D13.
- Plug Yellow LED in, one side of the wires plug at the left front side of the LED light, and another side at D12.
- Plug Red LED in, one side of the wires plug at the left front side of the LED light, and another side at D11.
- Have all the 220-ohm resistor plugin at the LED lights' right backside.
- Have a side of the wires at the right side of the 220-ohm resistor, and another side at the negative side.
- Cover those wires with papers, and let the LED get out of the holes
Step 2: Coding

The first photo is the original one, and the second photo is the one that I have make some changes.
Step 3: Testing

The last step is testing the GYR (Green, Yellow, Red) Traffic light.