GPS for the Raspberry Pi: PiloT GNSS Tutorial
by linkwavetech in Circuits > Raspberry Pi
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GPS for the Raspberry Pi: PiloT GNSS Tutorial
The PiIoT is a WAN communications board which provides an HSPA / 3G wireless interface for the Raspberry Pi. Conforming to the HAT specification, the PiIoT also provides location information using an on-board GNSS* solution.
*Please note: the optional GPS fuction is only available for the HL8548-G variant of the PiloT. Please see specification and/or related documents for more information.
Access further documentation and purchase information here.
The following instructions set up an NMEA feed over the Raspberry Pi serial port.
Ensure the PiloT is powered on by clicking here and following the steps listed.
Connect to the PiloT Using Minicom:
minicom -D /dev/ttyAMA0
Change the Speed of the Serial Port to 9600bps:
Change Minicom serial speed to 9600bps and reconnect by holding Ctrl + A, then 'Z' > 'O' > arrow down to 'Serial port setup' > enter 'E' > 'C'.
Press enter, then press 'Esc', then arrow down to 'exit' and press enter.
Direct the NMEA Output to the Physical Serial Port:
Start GPS Output on the Serial Port:
(See Sierra Wireless HL8548 AT Command Guide for more details of GPS commands)
NMEA sentences should now stream from /dev/ttyAMA0.
Stop Running GPS:
Open a Minicom session on /dev/ttyACM0 and enter:
Close Minicom (Ctrl + A, then X > enter).