GBL-1N (Hauler and Cargo Droid)

by DerrickR7 in Workshop > 3D Design

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GBL-1N v25 2.png
GBL-1N v25 1.png
GBL-1N v25 6.png
GBL-1N v25 5.png
GBL-1N v25 3.png

GBL-1N is a hauler droid designed to move goods and machinery. The buzz on the market is that four of these droids are cheaper than a landspeeder and can carry more weight albeit slower. The droids can be connected to many types of cargo containers and work together to move heavy loads. The latches on the back of the droid can be configured to pivot or stay locked. The drive pack beneath the droid contains a powerful magnetic field generator for attaching to and moving objects. On the front of the droid is a wide-angle vision system, capable of detecting life forms and obstacles in the dark. GBL-1N droids do not hesitate to sound an alarm to ward off potential thieves of their cargo! These droids are hearty and loyal. They have a peculiar bond to their fellow droids which makes them suitable for cooperative tasks.

I designed GBL-1N after my own experiments in robotics as a hobby and of course, inspired by my love for the Star Wars universe. Originally I designed and 3D-printed a working version of the droid that only had two wheels. After some testing, I decided to modify the droid to include a back wheel. This contest was a great opportunity to learn more about Fusion and express my vision for what the redesigned droid will look like in real life!