
by DavidLFC in Craft > Photography

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Taking beautiful photos is not all about studio settings or waiting hours for that one special moment. Create your own beautiful special moments by releasing your inner creativity, (and bring slightly brave and trusting of your equipment) The best part is you only need the basics as below.


A camera or camera phone with manual or timer settings
A strong strap/grip for the above

Wave Your Arms in the Air Like You Just Don’t Care!

Ok so this technique is somewhat of a trust and reward one. The more you trust the better the result. I believe some call this camera tossing, but I prefer Abstract Exposureism.

You basically set your camera to a long exposure (1 second or more) then set a delay timer, press your shutter and start waving your camera around until it alerts you that the exposure is complete. There you have it a long exposure image. Don’t despair if it’s boring there are are few tips to get better images.

Location, Location, Location

Ok so for images like this I deliberately chose my location and time.
I chose Sainsbury’s carpark, and a dark January evening. Facing the stores lights I set my exposure and started to swing my camera above my head by its strap.

I did a number of shots like this but the above was my favourite

The good thing about this technique is that not only do you get results good enough for walls, wallpapers (in this case) or galleries if your lucky, but no two images are the same.

Don’t Be Bloody Daft!!!

Ok so disclaimer i absolutely do not take any responsibility for your equipment or safety as the step suggests don’t be daft, ie don’t stand In The middle of a busy road doing this you will get run over!
If your straps a bit warn replace it and ensure it’s tight afterwards
If your camera doesn’t have a strap buy one (or hold it tightly with a ring grip perhaps if it’s a phone). But most importantly DO NOT LET GO!!

Have fun, experiment, and enjoy the results the benefit of digital images is you can quickly see the results and keep only the best ones.