Fruit Roll-ups

Vegan, healthy, sweet, rainbow coloured and easy to make. You can create fruit roll-ups easily at home, as a healthy and coloured snack for you and your kids!
Choose all the fruit you like, one fruit, two, three.... how many you like! For this instance I choose the colours of the rainbow:
Mango for Yellow Mandarin for Orange Strawberries for Red
Kiwis for Green Blueberries for Blue and Violet
You can swap and change the fruit as you like, or you can decide to do your fruit roll-up of on flavour, and that is also ok! It`s a fan recipe that you can make even if you are a beginner in the kitchen. For any questions please ask below.

We really don`t need much for this recipe:
- Fruit... as much as you want
- Caster Sugar, 2 tsbp for every 100 gr of fruit (optional)
- Lemon Juice (optional)
Cut, Cut and Cut

Let`s start by cutting the fruit. It doesn`t matter if you are precise or not as we are going to blend the fruit later.
Remember always to wash your fruit first and take the peel off.
Little Tip: You can use the fruit peel to boil some water and create a lovely tea! Just leave the peel in boiling water for 20 min, strain the tea and enjoy :)
Blend the Fruit

Using a blender is time to blend your fruit (separately). Remember, for every 100 gr of fruit you can add 2 Tbsp of sugar. Although, this is optional. If you like your fruit roll-ups without sugar, that is also fine. You can blend the fruit without the sugar and follow the same procedure.
Equally, if you like a little acidity, you can add 2 tsp of lemon juice. Again, this is optional too. This is the beaty of this recipe you can shape it to your taste.
In my fruit roll-ups I added the sugar in every fruit and I decided to add some lemon juice in the mango and the strawberry.
If you have a fruit with seed in it, such as Kiwis, you can decide to leave them in (that is what I did for my recipe) or you can strain the blended fruit to leave the seeds out. Again, up to you.

This is probably the part that will require a bit more of focus. Is time to cook the fruit.
Using a saucepan, cook your fruit (always separately, one saucepan for each fruit) at low heat.
Always mix using a wooden spoon (or a normal spoon) wen the mixture starts to boil. Depending on the fruit this can take different time. The important thing is to mix when it starts to boil and you will see that the mixture will start to reduce. When the mixture as become really think and the water that came from the fruit is gone, set that aside and let it cool down.
In the Oven

Using the back of a spoon now is time to lay down on a piece of baking paper your mixtures.
You can decide to do a square for fruit or do a rainbow (As per picture) or mix more fruits together. Whatever you decide, the cooking time are the same!
Once ready cook in the oven for 3hrs at 100C. Be really careful. If you see that the mixture is becoming too dark in colour while in the oven, turn the heat down of 20C. Depending on the oven, the mixture can also cook sooner.
Always cook in the middle of the oven.
If you have a dehydrator you can cook in the dehydrator for 8hrs.
Ready and Enjoy
Once the mixture is cooled down, cut the fruit into strips, hearts, circles, square, anything you like... and Enjoy!
Because of how it was cooked it can be stored for a relatively long time in a sealed container. How long? Well I will let you know if they ever resist more than 3 days in my house!