Froggies Cookies

I love cooking because I love eating. And I love cookies. As we are on an US based website and as I am french, I have had the idea to share with you my own recipe of American cookies. Let me know what you think about it ;-)
What you will need:
- 250 g of flour,
- 125g of butter,
- 1 egg,
- 2 spoons of honey,
- 1/2 bag of baking powder
- Chocolate
- 125 g of sugar
- Vanilia sugar
- salt
Let's bake it and check if frogs can make cookies ;-)
(don't forget to wash your hands ;-)
Mix Dry Ingredients

In a big bowl, mix all dry ingredients in a big jag.
Cut the butter in small pieces and melt it (I use the microwave, it is so convenient ;-).
Add two big spoons of honey. I love honey so I am used to even put a little bit more ;-)
Break the egg and pour it into the mix.
Beat it like an omelette.
Pour this mix into the jar and incorporate with the dry ingredients.
Chocolate, Chocolate...

I use raw chocolate instead of buying already made chocolate chips. I rather prepare my own as I love big chunk of chocolate that melt in your mouth.
So take your chocolate bars (I took a bit more than 200g of mixed milk and black chocolate) and cut them into small pieces.
Pour in the jar and incorporate into the dough.
Bake Your Cookies

Warm your oven at 220°C.
Out of your dough, prepare from 8 to 10 balls according to your taste (8 if you like big cookies, 10 if you like smaller).
Arrange the balls on a baking plate covered with baking paper and press it slightly.
Bake it for 9 min (soft) to 11 min (crispy).