Frog Light

This is an illuminated object on top of a pole--the icon for Froggy World amusement park. It could be an attention grabber for a table or a flashlight cover for a child.
Get the 3D print files at:
Print and glue the pieces together (super glue for PLA, acetone for ABS).
Insert a flashlight and a 3/8 inch diameter wood rod. Cut the rod off at the length where it touches the base.
Turn the flashlight on, insert the rod and screw the assembly down to your table (or a block of wood).
Get the 3D print files at:
Print and glue the pieces together (super glue for PLA, acetone for ABS).
Insert a flashlight and a 3/8 inch diameter wood rod. Cut the rod off at the length where it touches the base.
Turn the flashlight on, insert the rod and screw the assembly down to your table (or a block of wood).