Frisbee Training Machine

This is a machine just for training frisbee. I am creating this because I have a frisbee competition coming up, in which we are testing the accuracy of our shooting skills. By making this product, I will be able to improve my frisbee accuracy and higher my score in the frisbee competition.
- Cardboards
- Tape
- Cutter
- Pen
- Rulers
- Cutting mat
- Arduino Board
- LED light
Making the Machine

Step 1 is to make the machine. First, we are going to cut the cardboard into 5 pieces. For the machine base, you will need to measure the diameter of your frisbee, which help it be able to fit into the machine. Its diameter is 24.3 cm for my frisbee, so I made 2 cardboard squares with the size 25cm x 25 cm. Second, cut 3 pieces of cardboard with the size 23cm x 25 cm to be the side and the back of the machine. Finally, tape all the pieces together so that it turns out to be the main body of the machine.
Attach LED Light and Photoresistor

We are now going to attach LED light and photoresistors to our machine. First, connect the LED light and photoresistor with the Arduino board together (use the picture above). Next, poke a hole on the bask of the machine so that the photoresistor can go through, also attach LED light at the side of the machine. Finally, remember to hide all the wires so that the final product will look good.

For the coding, I have made one for it can; you can download it below. If you want to change the difficulty of the training, you can add more layers to the machine and add more encoding to it; this will make the training more difficult; I hope this machine helps you in training frisbee!!!