French Ribbon Braid

Hey reader!
So today I'm going to teach you how to French braid your (or your doll's) hair with a ribbon! You'll need to know how to French braid. It sounds and looks super complicated, but it's really not. You can do it! :)
You'll need:
- a ponytail holder
- a brush (An American Girl Doll brush if you're doing it on your doll)
- a squirt bottle of water (if on an AG doll)
- a long ribbon
- (optional) scissors to cut the ribbon at the end

Brush out the hair. If you do it on a doll, spritz their hair with water to tame the flyaways.

Take three small sections of hair from the top of the head. Tie a ribbon on the far left section. Make sure the ribbon's ends are even.

French braid the hair, including the ribbon. Braid all the way down the hair. Tie with an elastic at the end, and tie the ribbon in a bow around the elastic. Cut the ribbon ends, if you want.

You're done! You can arrange the braid however you want. If you did this, I'd love to see!
If you liked this, please vote for it in the Hair contest.
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Thanks for reading!
<3 , IrishAG