Fourwheeler Rebuild

by DootMadskills in Workshop > Motorcycles

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Fourwheeler Rebuild

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I had traded even a RC gas powered truck for this blaster a few years ago. The four wheeler did not run so I decided to tear it down to the frame, hand sand the old beat up silver off and paint it black. I rebuilt the top end of the motor and cut out all of the ignition system so I could just start it with a tether switch instead of a key, took the entire wiring harness out for the front and rear lights, oil temp light etc. When I took the wiring harness out I was left with 3 wires to the motor for it to start, run and cut out from the tether switch.

Later I cut the fenders and flipped the tires inside out and soften the suspension to make it sit lower and wider. This Yamaha Blaster was a 200cc two stroke with a separate oil pump but I prefer to plug that and mix my own fuel for a 2 stroke. These are notorious for oil pump failure while riding causing engine the to blow most times. I bored the top end 50/over and added V force delta reeds and a carb kit.  I don't have a picture because this was a long time ago but I also put a twist throttle on.  This was a fun project and ride in the pit. My next project like this I am looking to throw something with a power valve, YZ250 or so in a little frame like this blaster and hold of for life.

Sorry I dont have more for this, at the time I was not a big picture taker lol