Four Section Parting

There are many different ways you can section hair. Hair sectioning is used in cosmetology, like coloring, bleaching, hair washing, hair cuts, etc. I will show you how to do just an easy four-section parting in this instructable.

The supplies that you will need are listed below:
- Hairbrush
- Rat tail comb
- Four clips of your choice
Section Down the Middle

You will take the rat tail comb and split the hair down the middle from the front of the hairline to the bottom.
Section From Crown to Ear

Next, you will continue to use your rat tail comb and section from the crown to the ear on the left side. You will then use a clip to clip up that section of hair.
Repeat on the Other Side

After you put up the left side with a clip, you will complete the same process on the right side. Start by taking your rat tail comb and section the hair from the crown of the head to the ear.
Crown of the Head to Back of Hairline

For this next part, you may have to resection down the middle from the crown to the bottom of the hairline (back of the head).
Clip Up the Left Side

After parting down the middle again (if needed), you will take the hair from the left side and clip that up with a clip.

You will repeat the same thing on the right side. Part down the middle again (if needed) from the crown to the back of hair line and then clip that up.

And just like that, you have a four-section parting that you can use for color, bleach, hairwashing, etc!