Fortune Teller

This is how you are going to learn to make your very own fortune teller.
You are going to need a piece of paper and a pair of scissors.
First You Will Need to Get Your Supplies.

You are going to need a piece of paper and a pair of scissors.
Fold the Piece of Paper Into a Triangle and Then Cut Off the Bottom.

Remember to crease it when you fold.
Next Open Up the Triangle So It Looks Like a Square and the Take the Corners and Fold Them Into the Middle.

Remember to crease them really well because now we are making the foundation and you do not want it to fall apart.
Now That You Have All the Corners Tucked in Flip It Around and Tuck the Corners in Again on This Side.

Now we are almost at the end but the last step is tricky.
Now You Take the Paper and Fold It Sideways Ounce You Did That Stick Your Fingers in the Pockets and It Should Be Done.

Now since you have finished it you can write inside the flaps and color it if you want.