Fornite Lamp

These types of lamps are easy to make and can be manufactured with any theme, taking advantage of one of the most successful and fashionable games, FORNITE, it is required to cut some pieces in 3mm MDF, 5.5mm MDF and 3mm acrylic. A bit of circuit and soldering knowledge. A little paint and voila.
Cut in 3mm MDF (Attached File).
Cut in 5.5mm MDF (Attached File).
Cut in acrylic 3mm (Attached File).
Basic electric welding equipment.
Jack connection.
Eliminator 12 volt 2 amp.
Black paint spay.
Translucent white vinyl.
Transparent glue
White glue.
White Led strip.
Acrylic Cut

Before the acrylic is cut, it is necessary to remove the protective film from one side, put a layer of masquintape, this will help us as a mask when painting the acrylic.
It is recommended to keep the protective film underneath so that when cutting it does not stain the acrylic.

Once cut, remove the excess of masquintape and paint black (+3 layers), once dry remove the masked.

Place the acrylic letters on the translucent vinyl, separate them and with a scalpel remove the excess vinyl on the letters.

We put the letters with vinyl, on the black acrylic using a transparent glue.

In this part we assemble the skeleton of the lamp. Placing the 3mm base all the way down, followed by the 3mm layer that has the entire outline of the lamp, this layer serves to add height for the led strip to enter. Above we use the 5.5mm and the last 3mm creating the step where the acrylic will be recharged.

We cut the tape and stick it on the MDF, taking care of the spaces where the letters go in order to be able to illuminate them, it is also important to peel the edges of the led to facilitate welding.

It is a matter of bridging the led strips, soldering cable and joining the equal poles (+, +) and (-, -), we add the Jack connection, which will be our connector with the current eliminator.
Final Assembly

Using the transparent glue again we glue the acrylic to the MDF, connect and ready our FORNITE lamp is ready
If you want a special lamp on a topic, comment and I'll upload the tutorial.