For the West Bank to Gaza Vol 1. Restriction of Movement

by LMS23 in Circuits > Wearables

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For the West Bank to Gaza Vol 1. Restriction of Movement

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From the West Bank to Gaza is a series of art installations that each highlight a distinct injustice that Palestinians are forced to live with. Volume 1 highlights the restriction of movement in, out, and within the West Bank. The abaya transforms into a straitjacket as a manifestation of confinement and oppression.



1. Palestinian Kuffiye

2. Black fabric

3. Black abaya (or more black fabric)

4. Thin Black thread

5. Small and big needles

6. Thin Elastic thread

7. Thick black elastic thread

8. Bluetooth earphones

9. arduino uno

10. 4 parallax continous sevos

11. 1 utrasonic proximity sensor

12. 4 AA batteries and battery holder

13. Jumper wires

14. Solder

15. 4 boubins (I used them as a belt the elastic thread

Making the Abaya


I used the Saudi thobe (I got it from amazon as a base to make the abaya. When spread, the thobe looks like a rectangle, so I had to cut pieces from it and saw it back to give it sleeves.

Sleeves Extension


In order for the sleeves to extend like the sleeves of a straitjacket, i added an extra piece of fabric. before sewing the pieces to the garment, I added elastic thread to it. First, I drew a grid on the fabric so I can keep the sewing neat. I kept 8 cm between the dots then I started sewing the elastic into it. I shrunk the fabric on the elastic then I closed the sleeve by using the sewing machine. After that, I added the sleeve to the garment

Ornaments and Elastic


I sew two pieces of thick black elastic thread to each sleeve, these are meant to go on the servo motors. I removed the gold Saudi ornaments and sewed pieces of the Kafiya to the garment.

Setting the Servos on the Garment

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I used laster cutting to customize bases to make the technology sewable on the garment. I measured the the size of the servos and based on that made a box for them. I used the laser to make holes for the needle to go through. Similarly, I made another base for the arduino and batteries. I used the boubin to make the elastic (the 4 that I sew earlier) go through. The elastic from the right sleeve would go through the boubins on the left size to be tied to the servos on the left. Similarly, the elastic from the left sleeve would go through the boubins on the left size to be tied to the servos on the right. I connected the wires to the arduino using 4 AA batteries as an external power source in order for the servos to work.

Utlrasonic Sensor


I also built a box for the ultrasonic sensor to be added to the garment. I soldered the wires to make them longer so they can be plugged to the arduino and breadboard on the back.


// basically when the sensor is one and a half meter away from the wall, the servos should start working

#define trigPin 12

#define echoPin 11 #include

Servo servoOne; Servo servoTwo; Servo servoThree; Servo servoFour; void setup() { Serial.begin (9600); pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); servoOne.attach(3); servoTwo.attach(5); servoThree.attach(6); servoFour.attach(9); }

void loop() { int duration, distance,pos=0,i; digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); distance = (duration/2) / 29.1; Serial.print(distance); Serial.println(" cm"); if(distance<150) { servoOne.attach(3); servoTwo.attach(5); servoThree.attach(6); servoFour.attach(9); servoOne.write(180); servoTwo.write(180); servoThree.write(180); servoFour.write(180); delay(30000); // // servoOne.detach(); // servoTwo.detach(); // servoThree.detach(); // servoFour.detach(); // delay(2000); servoOne.write(0); servoTwo.write(0); servoThree.write(0); servoFour.write(0); delay(30000); } else{ servoOne.detach(); servoTwo.detach(); servoThree.detach(); servoFour.detach(); } delay(100); }


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I sewed a loose kaffiyeh as a scarf and embedded bluetooth speakers to it.