Foodtrailer/foodtruck Prototype

by AlyaElsayed in Craft > Cardboard

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Foodtrailer/foodtruck Prototype


Foodtrucks/Foodtrailers are an easier and smoother alternative to regular restaurants. In addition, it is a great way to start a new source of income especially for new people in the market. Today, more and more people are choosing foodtrucks/foodtrailers due to its cheaper cost and flexibility. But how and where to start? I made this ice cream rolls' foodtrailer from idea to finished product. You are only 11 steps away from having a prototype and a concept for your dream foodtruck/foodtrailer. Hope this is a helpfull instructable!



-cutting mat








-graph paper



-clear thin plastic sheet

Decide What You Want to Sell

Start by deciding what to sell on your food trailer, you do not have to be so specific but an overall view of what is being sold. You can start by looking up what already exists in your area. In my case I decided to sell ice cream rolls, as it is very hard to find ice cream rolls here in Sweden!

In this step you will also need to determine your target people. In order to fulfill their needs.

Make a Function Analysis

This is an important step, divide things you would like to have in your foodtrailer into three different categories:

-Necessities: (mine were: be able to cook, be able to serve food, water, electricity and heat in the foodtrailer)

-Needs: (mine were: serving hatch and an awning)

-wishes: (mine were: seatings in front of my foodtrailer)

Make a Moodboard

Kopia av Blue Orange and Yellow Bright and Playful Fashion Moodboard Photo Collage (1).png

A moodboard is a visual tool to communicate your concepts and visual ideas.

Your moodboard is supposed to give a specific feeling, decide the main colors you want to work with and collect some pictures from internet (I used: Pinterest and Unsplash to find pictures), have in mind your target people and their needs. The picture above shows my moodboard made in Canva

Decide a Name and Make a Logo


Now it's time to decide your foodtrailer/foodtruck's name, my tips is to search for existing names for inspration. I decided to call my foodtrailer Rolled Dream.

Once you decide the name, you can start making your own logo. You can use the same colors on the moodboard to convey that specifice feeling if you want to.

The picture above shows my logotype made in Canva

Make Drawings on Graph Paper

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Now it's time to draw on your graph papers! your drawings will help you building your prototype. The standard dimensions vary depending on whether it is a foodtrailer or a foodtruck. A foodtrailer is usually smaller and has following standard dimensions: 2,1 x 6 x 2,1m as the picture above shows. OBS use the same scale on the drawings as the scale you are willing to build your model with, you decide the scale. Draw floor plan including the kitchen items. Then draw your four walls (this includes doors, windows and serving hatches). here are my drawings in scale 1:20. There are thousands of pictures and videos on internet to help you understand the different symbols meaning if it is your first time.

​Start Buildning Your Main Parts of the Model With Foamboard

Follow your drawings to build floor, the four walls and ceiling using a knife, ruler and remeber to put your cutting mat under. Have in mind that foamboards usually are 0,5cm thick, so you may need to make your parts either 0,5cm longer or shorter. Test if all of your parts are correct and as you want them to be by using needles to attatch all parts together (OBS! DON'T GLUE, because you will need to separate your parts after this step). When you are satisfied with your base model don't forget to make holes for windows and serving hatches.

Build Your Kitchen With Foamboard

Now it's time to make your 3d ktichen, follow your floor plan drawing and use standrad height differences between different parts for example height of the base cabinet with a worktop is 91cm, as well as standard dimensions for freezers, refrigerators, stoves etc. (Search standard diemensions on internet) Use needles to attach the foamboards together and remember as early mentioned the foamboard is often 0,5cm thick so you will need to make some parts of your cabinets 0,5cm longer or shorter (OBS! you don't need to build invisible parts). When all parts of your kitchen are done and attached, you can put them inside the base model that you've made in step 6 to see if you are satisfied!

Decide Materials

This is an important step, you need to decide what materials you are using in your foodtrailer/foodtruck.

1. What material is the floor made of?

2. What material is the worktops made of?

3. What material is the facade made of?

You can be more specific if you want to, but because this is a school project I didn't need to.

The reason you have to decide the materials before printing pictures is because some worktops, floor and facade has few looks to choose from. We want our prototype to appear as realstic as possible.

Print Pictures

Use your laptob/computer to find simillar pictures of expected appearance of your foodtrailer. Find pictures of freezers, doors, kitchen, wall etc. Everything should be covered by printed pictures at the end and no foamboard can be seen. Once you have collected the images, use an app or a webbsite to help you adjust the scale so it matches your scale (1:20 in my case) I used the free site Photopea to adjust my pictures, there are many youtube tutorials to help you with that if you are new to that. Print everything you need.

Glue Your Printed Papers on Your 3D Prototype

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Here comes the best part, now it's time to give your model a realistic look. Glue the printed papers on every part you made. Start by gluing the thin clear plastic sheet on the inside, (the wall having windows and serving hatches) you don't need to glue the plastic paper on the entire wal, only where needed, the plastic sheets are supposed to replace glass. Now you can glue your printed papers in any order you want. Cut from your printed papers using a scissor and glue on the corresponding part, don't forget the top and shown sides of your kitchen cabinets, fridge etc. Make sure that everything is covered with papers and no parts of foamboard are showing as mentioned. Don't forget to glue your door on the inside and ouside. Lastly glue your logotype!

Make Sure Everything Stays in Place by Using Needles

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This is the last step, make sure everything stays in place by using needles. You are supposed to stick the needles from the outside of the model through parts of the kitchen so they don't move. No need to use many needles since foamboard need few needles to stay attached.

Congratulations, now you are done with your future foodtrailer/foodtruck!