Flying Chicken
I am 17,Asher and made 3D model and animation. I worked on blender as hobbyist for last 4 years, enjoy creating 3D models. This is the my first attempt generating a flying animation.
My dad and I came up this flying chicken idea, since we both missed fried chicken. To add sense of humor I added jet pack are part of flight toolkit, knowing chicken can easily flying with it's wing.
Let me guide you in creating your own flying chicken.
- Good Computer, prefer with NVIDIA graphic card.
- Linux Operating System, any distribution
- Software: Blender open source 3D creation suite.
In this process, I and my dad try to come out with idea and we both had a idea about chicken that could fly. But my dad said another idea that the chicken should have jet pack because all chicken will use it’s wing to fly. But this chicken came out a plan to make a flying machine . So I agree. I finding out some reference to model this chicken. So I went to a website and find some picture to start with.There are these photo that I use to model the chicken bellow on the screen.
Once i found how my chicken going to look like. Then I start modeling. I started With a cube and went to edit mode to block out the body shape that i want the chicken to look like. I also add subdivided to smooth the shape .
I didn't add chicken eye. So i just came out with this ideal. As for the wattles and the comb are just simple cube and I make the comb into triangle shape. The beak is add in the end and have to make the mouth into cone shape.
These is the chicken wing that i model. Pretty immersive, doesn't it. Well that is what i model wing looks like.
whoops my bad! That was not what the chicken wing look like. I mean something more like this.....I model the feather and add some cuts and tear at the feather.
The back feather is same as the wing feather.
And here is the chicken.
TEXTURE: I learn how to texture by follow and see how people did it on video. I did most of the texture on the chicken and here it is how i did it. This is the chicken body texture.
Now, This is the feet, the pupil, The eye brown, and That is the selera. These texture is same on the toe nail (chicken).
Here is the wing texture and the back feather!
You can see how the chicken looks like on viewport shader.
The Rig
This is the rig. It have some problem on the rig that need to be weight paint with the chicken.
Once done it should look like this.
Now for the next modeling that i did. THE ROCKET BOOSTER! This is also see in some few picture form website to model these jet pack.
Cylinder Shape
Here is the cylinder shape for jet engine.
This is the front view where i add as a display monitor behind the jet pack.
These is the wire that the i model. I add point, skin modifier and subdivide modifier. To make this wire shape.
I add some chicken wire patch over here. Can you see it?
ROCKET BOOSTER TEXTURE: this is the same texture that I use to texture the chicken. But i tweak and play around with the setting to make this cool looking jet pack. So this is the monitor screen texture.
Jet Engine Texture
This is the jet engine texture.
Fire Texture
This is the the fire texture.
- the brown frame that i texture
- circuit texture.
- chicken back cushion texture.
The Wire Texture
This is how i texture the wire.
Jet Pack Done!
Here is the jet pack picture.
Effect on the Booster
Next is add some effect on the booster. So i click the jet pack engine and go to practical setting .
Fire Ball Thing!
I add the squish ball thing. Well I went to the add setting and found the Meatball.
This is how i texture this fire looking fluid.
Jet Pack
Once this is done, I went to add this to the jet engine and now have fire effect on the jet pack.
Here is the jet pack flying picture and video .
I block out how the scene should look like. But only I want to focus on the chicken. So there are not much thing in the scene.