Flowing LED Light Cloud
-This instructable is originated from https://www.instructables.com/id/Flowing-LED-Ligh...
I replaced:
1. The 8 lightbulb into 6 lightbulb
2. The color ( Red, red, yellow, green, red, yellow, green, red) into (red, red, yellow, blue, blue, red)
The principle of this experiment just simply to make the six LED lights turn on. The six LEDs are linked to pin 2-pin 7 respectively. Set them as High stage and the corresponding LED on the pins will light up. Control the time of every LED brightening and you may see flowing LED lights.
1. lightbulb*6
a. blue*2
b. red*3
c. yellow
2. Arduino Leonardo board*1
3. USB cable *1
4. Breadboard*1
5. Jumper wires*8
6. Resistor (220Ω) * 6
Build Up the Circuit As the Picture Shown
Download the Code
The code: https://create.arduino.cc/editor/hiedyxluvx/df837c12-c0b4-48ad-8239-8c7c2dd0db9b/preview