Flower Cupcake
Take this cupcake step by step and you will be sure to have a beautiful outcome. Take your time and use a consitent technique all of the way around the cupcake. Flowers come in all shapes and colors so have fun.
Use a Number 67
Use a number 67 leaf tube and make a half circle scallop around the cupcake.
Continue Green Scallop Around Cupcake
Use a half circle motion to create the green scallop. If you cant make this pattern the goal is to cover the edge of the cupcake with green icing to frame your flower. Use your imagination to make it happen.
Continue the Border
Continue the border around the cupcake
Notice the Point on the Rose Tip
The skinny point of the rose tip is pointing downward. This is the tip that you are going to use to make the pedals. I wanted to show you the angle at which to hold the tip when starting the pedals. Start close to the center of the cupcake and use up small loop motion holding the tube at an angle.
Use the 104 rose tip and start with the small narrow point of the tip closest to the cupcake and start from the center of the cupcake and use a back and forth motion to make the pedals.
Continue the Pedals
Hold the tube with your palm facing up and the tip slanted to the side. Use the skinny part of the tip closest to the cupcake.
Finish First Layer of Pedals
Practice the motion on the side before starting on the cupcake. Using almost a skinny loop motion to create the pedals.
Second Layer of Pedals
Do another layer of pedals on the top of the first layer.
Middle of the Flower
Using a number 7 round tip make a small dot in the center of the cupcake
Gold Frills
Using a number 4 round tip make lines all around the dot in the middle of the cupcake. Use your imagination and go wild. You can use whatever pattern you want. Make it your own!!
Highlights on Top of Gold Frills
using a number 4 round tip put highlights of yellow on top the gold for a nice contrast.
Orange Dots
Using a number 4 round tip put orange dots in the center of cupcake
Gold Dots
Use a round tip to make gold dots over the orange dots for a beautiful highlight to the center of the cupcake.
Finished Product
Beautiful job!!!
Two Tips You Need to Use
Number 104 rose tip and number 67 leaf tip.