Flower Power! 10,000 Years of Motion

by Tom BD Bad in Workshop > Energy

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Flower Power! 10,000 Years of Motion


Sadly I am not referring to the defensive capabilities offered by flowers

and candles outlined by a father to his son in that moving interview in Paris!

The name came from the digram in picture 3 which looks quite floral, and I'm a bit of a tree hugging hippy!

This is an Instructable for (not quite) 10,000 years of friction-less magnetic motion.

I will start by saying this is just a theory. I thought of patenting my idea but saw that so many people are open sourcing their ideas, that I would forgo the trials and expense of attempting to obtaining a patent and selflessly share.

I am from London, England, but now live on a farm in South Africa and have limited access to lots of the things that seem generally available in the U.S. I have been frustrated in the planning stages of many brilliant instructables on this site by U.S companies refusing to ship internationally, (maybe specifically to South Africa?) and the language barriers attempting to order from China. Also the internet is still only just catching on for many people and businesses in South Africa, coupled with a less than efficient national postal service, it makes mail order a treacherous ordeal.

Mini-rant over... I am 35 and have just stopped playing computer games to become a mad science hobbyist! When I was about 13 I was positive that every single member of the human race, since Lentz or Faraday discovered electrical induction, was stupid! How the hell had humanity not managed to put together a simple way of generating electricity using magnetic forces forces as 'fuel' for a motor/generator? Surely magnets, electromagnets, solenoids, coils and springs are all the same thing? (ok maybe coils and springs aren't quite the same thing, but springs made from beryllium copper could surely act as a coil? though I am unsure if beryllium copper is non-ferrous or dia-magnetic, I am working on the assumption that it is the dia-magnetic qualities of copper that generates the electricity?)

This paragraph is to stop links in the comments section to various patent's from Tesla, the Bedini motor, Howard Johnson's magnetic generator and more recently Muamar Yilditz(?)'s magnetic motor and the gegene by Mr Naudin at JNLabs (I wish you all the best after the attacks in France) and more... After all, Humanity isn't as stupid as 13 year old me thought and it turns out big businesses are far more money-grabbing, cut-throat and underhand than any 13 year old could possibly imagine!

Why I am here though is to introduce my Idea, it came when I did a google search for 'triangular magnet' and saw a picture of crop circles and a triangle with the corners marked North, South and ? The crop circle comes in when the diagram theorizes what the magnetic field would look like. The idea gained clarity when I saw a youtube video showing a magnetic toy (patented in 2012, so recently for such a simple idea!) using an array of small circular magnets around a large circular opposing magnet core. When a circular magnet of equal size to the large central magnet is brought close enough to be attracted, it is kept from making physical contact by the opposition of the smaller magnets, thus the magnet is magnetically attached without physical contact and requires effort or force to remove/break it from the field. I will refer to this phenomena as "Contact-less Adhesion" from here...

Anyway, contact-less adhesion later, we'll start with triangles.

Inventing Permanent Monopole Magnet Cubes!

Pyramid 4.jpg
Pyramid 5.jpg

I started thinking 3d, to me a 3d triangle is a pyramid, if its a square base
or 4 sided pyramid (with the height half the length of the edge of the base) you can use 6 (all pointing inwards) to make a cube, if they are all magnetised in the same direction from base to tip you can make a 'monopole' cube or a cube with 6 Norths. see picture 1

I am sure this a whole lot easier said than done! I thought that they could be temporarily glued(?) together then placed in an aluminum/aluminium cube, or maybe coated with rubber. I have seen (though I cant remember where) 2 halves of a hollow cube (3 sides together, not cut in half) that screwed together like a mould for dice or something. I thought the easiest way (though most time consuming) would be to glue 2 together at a time. If you had the 'mould' I just mentioned I would put the 1st pyramid to be glued in the bottom of the mould point up, then put 3 attracting pyramids before finally adding the 2nd pyramid and gluing them. you then put the next pyramid again in the bottom of the mould, then add 2 attracting magnets before adding the 2 which have already been glued together, bulding your cubes 1 pyramid at a time.

Re-inventing the Wheel!

Attach several 'monopole' cubes to the circumference of a non ferrous wheel,
(non ferrous otherwise you will generate eddy currents which will act as a brake!) you could also use the 'monopole' magnets in conjunction with a "Halbach array" to mag-levitate the wheel eradicating friction from bearings and the need for a spindle, obviously this would require MANY more magnets than several!

So if you have a pyramid shaped magnet magnetized from side to side, you allow the 'monopole' cubes pass the apex of the horizontally magnetized pyramid attracted on one side and repelled by the other, ta da 10,000 years of, theoretical, motion! (working on the info provided about Neodymium magnets loosing 0.1% of their strength every 10 years!) If you then create an array of copper coils, the monopole cubes to pass through the dia-magnetic fields of those coils and, ta da electricity! Theoretically anyway!

At this stage I would like to interject with my interest in what effect using 1 or an array of 'Rodin' or 'starship' Coil's would have..? If you are using a magnetically levitated, spoke less hub, essentially a Halbach cylinder bent into a circle, you could have the hub pass through the center of the Rodin coil, the dual wound coil could generate power through one winding, and use its unique magnetic field to propel through the other winding (up to 500,000, yes half a million! RPM according to one youtube video:-


So theoretically 10,000 years of OVER overunity! Sorry this is just a joke at the end of an interjection I didn't mean to drive away the skeptics and earn comments of 'Woo woo!' Please skeptics don't give up here, the best is yet to come!

Interjection over.

I further theorize that if you increase the number of pyramids that provide propulsion, this will increase speed of rotation only up to a point, if at all? Torque rather would be the main type of energy increased, which would increase amps rather than volts out? Now as I understand it, using 'monopole' magnets will generate a fluctuating DC current rather than AC?

Re-re-inventing the Wheel's

picture 2.png

So to generate AC? make 'monopole' cubes of the opposite polarity to the 1st and make a second wheel, this is run in the opposite direction to the 1st wheel. (which if correlated with the Earths respective poles it will 'want' to.) The 2 'monopole' wheels are separated by the static coils, which are being influenced by both wheels at the same time, North 'monopoles' on one wheel and South on the other, this would now make an AC current and theoretically would also double power output.

If you were to use a wheel with spokes and a spindle instead of mag-lev, create an array of static magnets closer to the axis of rotation of the wheel next to the coils. You then create an array of coils on the wheel opposing those magnets these coils could (via diodes) charge 4 super/ultra capacitors also mounted on the wheel. The capacitors discharge through coils around the 'monopole' magnets. I say around, but using Tesla's bi-filar 'pancake' coil for electro-magnets configured on the surface of the electro-monopole between it and the standard coil should yeild better results. A novel way of wirelessly inducting electrical charge from a moving wheel. Increasing magnetic force in turn increases voltage output, but increasing magnetic force here increases the magnetic flux between the electro-monopoles and the horizontally magnetized pyramids that provide the propulsion.

See picture 2

I 1st thought of having the charge arc from the wheel, more novel (and prettier!) but i think far more inefficient. I was also thinking of zener diodes between cap and pancake coil, not sure if they might have charge induced in them as they pass the field of the propulsion pyramid?

Right, enough of my electrical ignorance, I apologize for that later!

Miniturise AND Simplify?! the Flower in the Power!

Pyramid 1.jpg
Pyramid 2.jpg
Pyramid 3.jpg
Pyramid Isosceles.jpg

Now comes an extension of the idea to make it smaller and do away with
cumbersome wheels for propulsion...

If you use 6 (well actually 4 but we'll cover that in a sec) pyramids magnets with square base 10mm x 10mm x height 5mm to create a 'monopole' cube 10mm x 10mm x 10mm. If you then double the size of your cube by adding layers of 5mm x 5mm x height 2.5mm pyramids with different directions of magnetization.

see the array in picture 3 (the Flower).

Red and Black triangles are pyramids magnetized in opposition to each other ie.

red = North tip and South Base

black = South tip and North base

green = horizontally magnetized

The black lines with red tips in the corners are trapezoids

2mm deep x top length 10mm x bottom length 20mm x height 10mm magnetized with south at the red (20mm) side.

These give a 2mm 45 degree 'beveled edge' to the cube and a useful 45 degree magnetic field. The elongated pyramids would be 5 x 5mm base x 5mm height.

Note ;The elongated triangles increase the natural angle at which the cube would rest. The outer layers of the array could also be accomplished using a few trapezoid shapes instead of lots of pyramids. The 2 rows of elongated and standard additional pyramids on the outer-most layer may be unnecessary..?

The Magic in Science! Fly Flower... Fly!

picture 4.png

The Cuboid is then levitated above a large concave magnetic base or enclosed by
4 large opposed magnets all with their South poles facing inwards. The theory is that the cube is being both repelled and attracted on each side, the level of repulsion is over 3 times the attractive force (over due to the increased mass of the elongated pyramids.) The attractive force of the cube is offset to one side on 4 surfaces of the cube. I theorize that the 45 degree repulsing force of the 'beveled edge' trapezoid will continue levitation before the attraction causes physical contact to be made, and if it fails to do so? Use 2 attracting pyramids (instead of 4) and 2 opposing, I would suggest putting the attracting magnets in the middle of the line and the opposing ones on the outside, this should help with stability.

The Return of the Contactless Adhesion Jedi!


Now, about 4 pyramids instead of 6 for the cube...
The 4 sides shown in picture 3 will cause anti/counter clockwise rotation, rotation is most useful when when it is stable, the idea is to use the other 2 sides of the cube not shown in pic 3 and use them to stabilize the cuboid and utilize the rotation.

This is the array I created using the idea I mentioned earlier, contact-less adhesion. see picture 5 I theorize that this array using contact-less adhesion will allow friction-less rotation on a stable axis of the cuboid array shown in pictures 3 and 4, this array in picture 5 will have 1 half (left side) mounted statically while the other (right side) will make up 1 side of the cuboid shown in pictures 3 and 4. The idea is that the 2 points of the interior pyramids are attracted while the 8 on the surface repel, the attraction at the points should allow for free rotation.

Contactless Cluch


This is the array for the opposite side of the cuboid
see picture 6 this is the opposite of picture 4 where the 8 surface magnets are attracting and the points of the interior are repelling, this should allow for transfer of movement magnetically. My theory is that the attracting surface magnets will want to remain aligned in a square, while the points of the repelling interior pyramids keep them from making contact, thus friction-less transference of energy. I further theorize that this array will also act as a clutch, I believe that the attraction of the surface magnets may be overcome by the mass of whatever is attached, but as long as some rotation is obtained, that rotation should eventually equalize at a 1-1 ratio.


As I said at the start, this is just a theory by someone who just stopped playing computer games (literally about 6 weeks ago!) to try and use my time and intellect for something more constructive. I acknowledge that I am woefully uneducated when it comes to electrical theory, behaviors of magnetic flux and pretty much everything else, and I apologize for it, but I have done as much research as I could in the past weeks! So please point out any gaping holes in my logic that I have failed to notice, or let me know if you think its worth taking time to give it a try?

I am still trying to find someone to supply pyramid shaped magnets, Super magnet man said they could help but after I told them I need delivery to South Africa, I haven't had any further contact! Start with a rant, continue with a moan and finish with a complaint! Well I hope I brightened your day!

I still have other Ideas but I have taken all day to write this instructable and its long enough! I think I will wait to see if I have any positive feedback before starting another one.

Thanks for taking the time to read, and good luck to anyone who takes time to try!