Floral Paper Theatre
Collect cuttings from magazines which are floral or have leaves and make a 3D paper theatre.
2 pieces of A4 white card
Floral cut outs from magazines
Fold the A4 White Card and Cut


Fold one of the A4 pieces of card in half and then in half again. Fold the other piece of white card in half, length ways. Cut along the fold lines.
Making the Concertina

Fold the halves of the second piece of card, in half, joining the two edges like a pair of doors. Then fold back the two edges. Then fold again to make a concertina.
Cut the Arcs


Draw around a glass or cup, putting the cup at the bottom edge of the quarter of the white card. Draw a straight line joining the edge to the circle. Cut the arc from 3 of the quarters. Measure 1cm around one arc and 2 cm around the third and last and cut out.
Measure the Flaps

Measure 1cm from the edge and fold on each arc and the whole quarter piece.
Stick the Floral Collage

Glue collected floral cut outs on the three arc pieces and the whole quarter piece. The cut out for the whole piece may be one picture or it may be collaged like the rest.
Gluing the Flaps

Glue the flaps to the concertina edges which are facing backwards when you look at them.
If you would like downloadable print outs, there are some on my website of famous artist-themed theatre printable downloads.