Floppy Frame

When tidying up the garage a found this old Floppy Disk and the first thougt was to throw it away.
But I always have problems to throw things away, so I need to find a place for it.
The Ikea Ribba frame was the solution. Now it's hanging on the wall with the family pictures and my wife didn't kill me for this.
The Build

You need a Ikea Ribba Frame and a 5 1/4 Floppy Disk
Cardboard and Hot Glue.
Open the Frame and glue a piece of white cardboard behind the white frame.
from an old cardboard box cut 4 small pieces +- 40mm x 20mm and fold them in the middle
With hot glue fix them on the white frame and glue the Foppy Disk on the 4 supports.
Put all together "et voila", a cool Retro Deco Floppy Frame