Flexible Toolkit

The plastic tool box is one of the strangest objects. It's not practical, it's heavy, transport is only envisaged on short journeys... In short, it is one more box in our daily lives !
What I propose is the flexible toolkit. Made of soft materials, I see it as an extra storage space, allowing the transport of a few tools, which can be put in a bag.
My goal is to show you how to make one with a piece of fabric, a pair of scissors, rope, a tape measure, a lighter, thread and a needle.
Cut a Piece of Tissue

- Cut a piece of tissue about 19.5 x 23.5 inches.
Equalize the Edges

- Fold the piece of fabric in half, edge to edge.
- Cut the edges.
Sew the Toolkit

- Bend the piece of tissue as shown in the sketch. (The flap is about 1/5 of the width)
- Sew a line on the left, middle and right, top and bottom on 3 inches.
- Burn the edges.
Make the Notches for Rope

- Fold the flap in half and make 2 notches at 1.5 inches from the right edge and 1.5 inches from the left edge.
- Burn again all the edges again.
Put the Rope and Use It

Once the object is finished, put the rope in the notches, and congratulations your flexible toolkit is finished.
It is a rudimentary and rather primitive object. Robust and practical, in its current state this toolkit makes the job !!