Flavors Across the Globe Modular Shipping Container Restaurant.

by Liam Takahashi in Craft > Digital Graphics

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Flavors Across the Globe Modular Shipping Container Restaurant.


Hello, My name is Liam I go High School in ma. For my Instructable I used Fusion 360 as it has a lot of design flexibility. I worked on the project for countless hours over four months and modeled all the pieces of the building with references shown where relevant.

Did you know that up to 60% of restaurants fail in just their first year, whether the cost of upkeep is too high or there isn't enough marketing this amount of failure stops good or unique ideas from making it off the ground. Enter... Flavors Across the Globe, a multipurpose shipping container kitchen market. These kitchens are designed to bring in traditional flavors/dishes from around the world and incubate new restaurant ideas that people wouldn't usually have the money or resources to run, the only expense is the rent for using the kitchen. To reflect the fact that it incubating ideas the sign for the restaurant easily changes to fit the ownership.

Due to the size of the design, the kitchens can be placed where other buildings can't such as in unused spaces in urban development areas. This benefits restaurant attracting more customers and the city adding more green spaces to urban areas.

Kitchen Setup


To start, the kitchen is designed with efficiency in mind, it adopts a galley design where appliances are on both sides while also making room for a serving window. This design is most optimal for the space as the building is long but very narrow it is possible to have a person prepping ingredients, a person cooking, and a person serving customers all without workers not getting in each other's way. There is also extra unused space left in the kitchen to leave space for specialty appliances such as deep fryers and chillers.

Ingredient Storage


The modular restaurant provides options for ingredient storage, including a fridge and ingredient bins. The fridge is industrial size so restaurant renters can keep raw ingredients cold. The ingredient containers are placed between the refrigerator and oven to be used either for storing garnishes like greens or sauces to finish dishes or can store raw ingredients for cooking dishes such as cut onion or raw garlic.

Sink/Preping Ingredients

Ingredient prep.png

The large amount of ingredient and appliance washing calling for the industrial sink in the design. The cutting board is Maplewood a solid choice for cutting boards as it is anti-microbial and moisture-resistant. What's more wooden cutting boards don't wear knives down as fast.



Safety for cooks and other staff working in Flavors Across the Globe kitchens is a significant priority, that’s why the oven ranges are induction. Induction ranges use magnets to heat up pots and pans, Although only magnetic pans such as cast iron and stainless steel can be used there are many benefits. Induction not only isn’t hot to the touch but it also heats up cookware faster than both gas and electric. Once the food is finished cooking is when the countertop becomes important. The countertop is made out of soapstone, although not a conventional countertop material it is vital as it has a high heat tolerance so hot pots and pans won't deform the counter.

Shipping Container Roof


A vital modification that the shipping container contains is a multipurpose slanted roof. Firstly, the roof's slant is at a 35-degree angle for more efficient solar panels. Solar panels serve a vital role in reducing the environmental impact of the shipping container restaurants. The other function of the slanted roof is water pooling. In standard shipping containers, rainwater landing on the roof doesn't have a way to run off. This issue poses a few grave problems: creating a breeding ground for insects such as mosquitos and the still water may rust the roof. The slant makes water such as rain or water from cleaning the solar panels slide off the roof to a gutter connected to a rainwater barrel to provide most of the water to the garden.


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A paramount of restaurants is accessibility that is why Flavors Across the Globe accessibility in mind. The restaurant sticks to Americans with disabilities act standards. To get to the raised deck is a is a ramp at an 1:12 ratio meaning there is one foot diagonally for ever the ramp goes up. Further the ramp has handrails and the necessary 60x60sq in turning space. The serving window of the restaurant is 36in off the ground also fitting the standards for service windows.

Garden Area


The shipping containers also feature raised garden beds to grow plants. The Flavors Across the Globe shipping containers start with no plants then renters to of the shipping container can choose what kind of plants they want. Plants add more green to the urban spaces, Restaurant renters are also able to choose to grow fresh ingredients like herbs.