Flame Sensor Detector

This project will uncover how the flame sensor works, and the purpose of this hardware device. If you're learning how this hardware device works, this is the perfect project for you. When the flame sensor detects a fire, (the light of the flame) the 'alarm' will go off which will cause the buzzer to ring, and the red LED to flash.
Before getting started, be sure to connect 5V and GND to both sides of the breadboard.
- Flame Sensor
- Red LED
- Active Buzzer
- Breadboard
- Jumper Wires
- Two 220 or 330 ohm resistors
Step 1: Setting Up the Flame Sensor

In this project I have used a 2 legged flame sensor, but a 3 legged flame sensor could also be used with a few alterations (follow the picture above to wire the flame sensor correctly).
- Connect the short leg of the flame sensor to GND
- Connect the long leg of the flame a 220 or 330 ohm resistor
- Connect the end of the resistor to 5V
- Connect the positive side of the flame sensor to analog pin A0
Step 2: Buzzer + LED

- Connect the negative side of the buzzer to GND
- Connect the positive side of the buzzer to digital pin 8
- Connect the negative side of the LED to GND (short leg)
- Connect the positive side of the LED to a 220 or 330 ohm resistor (long leg)
- Connect the end of the resistor to digital pin 7
Step 3: the Code

Here is the code! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!