Fizzy Mango Black Tea- Just Like Starbucks!

by audrey6840 in Cooking > Beverages

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Starbuck's Fizzy Mango Tea

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Keep in mind the refrigerating Tim is 8 hours therefore you should make it before going to bed and put it in your fridge then finish it when you wake up.

Gathering Ingredients & Tools

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-Earl grey tea (I got mine at house of tea)
-David's Tea "mango madness"
-David's tea rock sugar (or any other brand)
-measuring spoons
- Soda Stream/ drink carbonator
-Soda Stream/ your drink carbonator compatible bottle

Boil Water

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Fill kettle in your sink up to the 1 litre line. Plug it in to your nearest outlet and turn it on. Wait for it to slightly boil. Do not wait until the kettle designated it is done, wait until steam is coming out and small bubbles emerge. Different kettles have different speeds, for my kettle it took about 3 minutes.

Steep Tea

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This is where your tea leaves and rock sugar comes in. Put 3 teaspoons of mango madness, 1.5 teaspoon of earl grey and 1 teaspoon or 4 large rocks of sugar. Pour all of the boiling water In and set your timer for 4 minutes. When the timer goes off take out the defuse and put your leaves in the compost. The sugar should be melted in and your tea should be a orangey Scarlett. Refrigerate for 8 hours or put in the freezer for 2 hours.


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Pour the cold tea into a Soda Stream compatible bottle, for the source pull out the lever and twist it in, for the play pull out the lever, put it on and push it back until you hear a snap. Carbonate for about 12 seconds. Don't worry if you hear strange sounds it is not breaking and nothing is wrong the sounds are just part of the process. Take it out of the machine and put your hand over the hole then place it in the sink with your hand remaining over the hole. Slowly take off your hand after about 10 seconds for about 2 seconds and put your hand back on, continue to do this until the foam is all gone.

(optional) Add in Lemonade

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Add in 3/4 of a cup of lemonade to your drink. Do not fizz it again after (or else a chemical reaction is created and well the drink is everywhere). Shake the drink up and down about 4 times and wait until you can't hear much fizz anymore before opening.


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Pour into your favourite glass and relax! Hopefully you enjoyed this instruct able and will make you own little changes to fit your taste buds! Thanks for viewing and please comment below for any suggestions, constructive criticism or positive feedback!