Fixing a Delta 36-750 Table Saw

by bpoulton in Workshop > Repair

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Fixing a Delta 36-750 Table Saw

Restoring a delta 36-750 10in arbor saw time lapse

I was able to pick this saw up for $100. bought it with out being able to start it and test it out. I told the nice lady that I would be happy with the purchase even if it didn't run. So my buddy at Crawlspace Craftsman help me load it and we got it home and immediately plugged it in to see if it would run. Smoke started bellowing out so i turned it off and looked under at the motor and noticed the belt was not on correctly. once the belt was on this thing purred like a kitten. Now the fun part removing all the rust and getting it back to full service..


Wd-40 for lubricant

Scotch bright pad

super clean

400,600,800,1000,1500,2000 and 2500 grit sand paper

paste wax

rags/ paper towels

and Patients.... patients is key on this project

Disassemble Everything!!


I wanted to do a full restoration and get all the rust and any potential problems addressed at this time. Kind of like cry once mentality. If you like podcasts go listen to the Sawdust nation they talk about the cry once mentality. This saw is not a true cabinet saw its a hybrid since the trunnion attaches to the cast iron top. First step i did was remove the wings. Once the wings were replace I laid the saw on its side letting the motor rest this allowed me to easily remove the top and the behemoth of a motor came out with a little muscle. The mechanism that makes the blade go up and down was stuck.

Cleaning the Trunnion


The mechanism that makes the blade go up and down was I sprayed it with Super Clean its a degreaser that worked like a champ got all the gunk out of the gears. As you can see i removed the motor and set it aside wiped it down and blew it out.

Cleaning the Under Belly


After taking the top off I wanted to do most of the cleaning on my assembly table using scotchbright pad with wd-40 i cleaned the sides where they attach together then using a brush and shop vac I cleaned the bottom then sprayed with wd-40 and wiped dry this makes the black paint pop.

Cast Iron Top Cleaning


this is a job a J O B take your time and enjoy the process. I made some tic-toks and one went crazy viral for me 99k views last I checked.

step one I bolted it back together and leveled it out this way i would sand al of it at the same time so I wouldn't get gun ho and do one side super good and get tired and only do a half ass job on the other half.

step 2 spray the top down with wd-40 a lot of it let it soak as long as you can for me I am impatient so i sprayed it and gave it 15 min. then using a scrap block of wood and a scotch brite pad i worked it back and forth going with the grain. For 5 min or so then I wiped it clean and repeated this process a couple times

step 3 I got impatient and got the orbital sander and some 400 grit and went to town spraying the wd-40 so it would stay lubricated and not have all the dust in the air. i did this until i seen clean sparkling cast iron

step 4 starting with 600 grit i used the block of wood technique previously talked about this ensures you are sanding equally across the top not making grooves. go 5 to 10min then wipe the gunk off and repeat with the wd-40 i went through the whole can doing this same process up to 2500 grit.

Paste Wax


I paste waxed the top then buffed it with a buffing wheel just a bit.

Sand and Paint


I used an angle grinder to get the big rust off then used orbital sander to smooth it all out then sprayed with self etching primer and then 3 coats of vintage teal

Then Just Reassemble


i put down a moving blanket and attached the equipment the same way i took it out it went together really easy. i used clamps and wood to hold the sides flush to the top

Glammor Shot Time!!!


this was such a rewarding and fun project I love the vintage teal color. i want to paint octopus tentacles coming up the side so we will see, we may save that for another instuctable.. thanks for looking at this ! go ahead and vote for me as well. BYE
