Fireworks Nails!
I thought as it is bonfire night on Monday 5th November I would do some themed nails!
I came up with Firework nails as fireworks are very popular!
You need quite alot of nail polishes do do this design but it's worth it!
I came up with Firework nails as fireworks are very popular!
You need quite alot of nail polishes do do this design but it's worth it!
You Will Need:
A clear coat
A glittery top coat
Any other bright colours of your choice!
I chose
But there is more below!
A glittery top coat
Any other bright colours of your choice!
I chose
But there is more below!
Paint your nails with a clear basecoat to prevent the colours form staining your nails!
Paint your nails black once the clear has dried!
This is your dark sky background!
This is your dark sky background!
1st Colour!
I picked pink for my first colour!
Just stripe it onto your nail the thickness of the brush outwards like a part of a firework!
Just stripe it onto your nail the thickness of the brush outwards like a part of a firework!
2nd Colour!
My 2nd colour was orange (for 2 nails) and i used green for two nails! again just paint it on but REMEMBER TO LEAVE A GAP IN THE MIDDLE!
You will find out why later!
You will find out why later!
Middle Boom!
Choose a bright yellow colour and blob it right in the middle! It makes it look like it is exploding!
Add a deep colour: e.g purple, blue aound the edges and 'fill in' around the bit that look a bit blank!
Remember to leave Some black though!
Remember to leave Some black though!
Glitter Top Coat
Yay glitter!
Add a thin coat of a special glitter top coat to finish!
Concentrate it on the colured part but it looks cool if you get some on the black too! :)
Add a thin coat of a special glitter top coat to finish!
Concentrate it on the colured part but it looks cool if you get some on the black too! :)
You're Done!
Ta da! all done!
Hoped you like this instructable!
Comments & following are brilliant! Thanks!!!
Hoped you like this instructable!
Comments & following are brilliant! Thanks!!!