Firewall/Proxy Server Circumvention

by edwarben in Circuits > Software

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Firewall/Proxy Server Circumvention

Many other students came and asked me how to get by the firewalls and proxies. IT people at school are getting smarter about students using proxies. I thought about this issue for some time and I have a solution. Why not create your own webpages with applets to chat, etc? This new approach will not require a proxy server which could be blocked and tracked. So far it could only be used to chat, but maybe someone could come up with a new applet.


D:\Documents and Settings\Ben\Desktop\Google homepage.bmp
I could not emphasize this enough. If you do not want to get caught, think. When IT people hear aobut this new type of circumvention, it will be blocked as well.
First, go to a website which is legal and used a lot. Think! Should you use that homepage that the teacher will question why have you not made any progress (you been on that page for hours)? Will the scroll bar being of a larger page that it should be give away your secret (Google's homepage does not and should not have a scroll bar since it is one page)? Should you use the homepage or an article (to make a teacher think you are working)? Finally, does the webpage include anything that will be hard to visually duplicate offline?
Second, after you have your webpage picked out, construct your offline copy. If you have Internet Explorer 6, click on View and then Source. A Notepad application will open up with HTML coding. In the Notepad window, click on File and then Save As. Save the file to a USB memory stick or CD-RW. You can either learn HTML (not suggested for most) or you can use an authoring software. Microsoft Word can be used. Even if you copy the page and manually edit it, you will haev to manually copy images and change the source of them. If you use anything to edit the page, make sure that your filetypes are compatible. You may need to learn new skills or leave to the nerds to make and distribute. Your goal is to create a webpage that is visually the same.


D:\Documents and Settings\Ben\Desktop\Google Talk.bmp
I am sure everyone is going to e-mail like crazy to the local nerd to get them to code the page. Wish you did not pick on them now, huh? Anyway, here it goes. Now you want to have a nice webpage that is visited often and not questioned offline now. Yay, the final and so far easiest step...
Finally, we are ready to add the script that will allow you to IM. Go to Look for Google Talk Gadget link and click it. At the bottom you can select changes to the appearance of the script. Click on the get code link. Copy the code in the text box that appears. Open your webpage using Notepad and manually put the code somewhere after the <body> tag and before the</body> tag. Where you put the text directly affects where it will display. Remember HTML code is displayed left to right, top to bottom. If the script is put inside of another script, it cannot display properly. I suggest putting the script at the bottom. You can just scroll down to it. Be careful...


Ghostzilla is a tool that I have been aware of for a few months now. However, I have been busy too busy to try it out. Someone should write an Instructable concerning it. I have a new school and work schedule so my free time goes to homework and friends.