Fire in an Envelope

A 3D greeting card for warm seasonal wishes. A foldable shadow box design
what's needed:
Black paper A4 120 grams
off-white paper A4 120 grams
red foil
small decorated paper (Origami)
Black Shapes

Cut 6 shapes out of the black paper. The most easiest way is to print the PDF. The strips should be 14,8 x 2,5 cm. The smaller "square" shapes ( top of picture) are 9,5 cm high and 7.4 cm wide. The larger ones ( bottom picture) are 9,5 high and 9 wide. Measurement are not thát important but the card should fit in a normal envelope at the end.

Cut flame shapes out of the red foil. If the foil is not double side glue two sides together before cutting. Start with a "tulip"shape and then remove rounded triangles from the bottom creating a sort of zig-zag. The flames should be about the width of the woodblocks. Big flames in the bigger shapes, small in the smaller shapes.
Glue the point of the flames to the black paper. Some points go in front ,other to the back ( alternating)so both sides are interesting.
Folds to Glue

The top and bottom rims of all four shapes should be folded at 7 mm from the rim. Best is to score a line with open scissors along your ruler and then fold. two shapes are folded to the front, The other two to the back. To make the finished card better foldeble it is best to prepare all the folds both ways.
Constructing the Layers

Lay one of the strips in front of you for the base. Glue the first layer ( a small shape) at the front rim. The second layer ( big shape) stands 7 mm behind. Then turn the work to the other side and glue the third ( big shape) layer. The glue strip forms an extension of the second layer. See third photo. The last layer ( small shape) goes in front and should reach the rim of the base strip. If not, cut off the excess.
Press all layers flat and arrange the top glue stips The front two are laid flat, the two bottom ones are folded. see fifth photo. Apply glue to all layers and glue on the second black strip. The rim should align with the fold on the first layer.
As soon as the glue begins to set set all layers upright ans experiment with pressing flat (forward and backward) and setting upright again.

Glue white or cream strips on left and right side of the fireplace. Strips are about 13 mm wide and 13 cm long. do rhe same on the other side. Both sides of the card should look the same. On the top a wider strip is glued with both sides folded down ( 5,5 x 14,8 cm). On the third photo the strip can be seen in front of the fireplace. Cover the bottom as well with a narrow strip ( 2,5 x 14,8 cm)

With a small piece of decorated paper ( I used an origami folding paper) you can cut four Christmas stockings. Fold the top to the front to show a white rim. Glue to the corners.
You can add your wish for a warm new year on the top or bottom of the mantelpiece. Then press your work carefully flat and put it in an envelope.